- Dental ExaminationThe earlier we can detect impacted canines, the simpler your treatment. Early prevention using x-rays, digital scans, and thorough dental exams allows us to correct any issues in your child’s jaw. We prioritize examining children’s jaws to diagnose impacted teeth before a child’s eighth birthday.Â
- X-rays
- Teeth Cleaning
- Crowns€” the crown of the wisdom tooth is angled towards the front of your mouth with the roots pressed against a neighboring tooth
- BridgesYou may choose to replace the missing teeth with a “fixed bridge.†This is a restoration that is supported by the teeth adjacent to the missing tooth space. The replacement tooth (or pontic) spans across the space. If the bone is deficient, there will be an unsightly space under the pontic that will trap food and can affect your speech.
- Dental Bonding
- Root Canal TreatmentIsolated injuries to teeth are quite common and may require the expertise of various dental specialists. Oral surgeons usually are involved in treating fractures in the supporting bone or in replanting teeth that have been displaced or knocked out. These types of injuries are treated by one of a number of forms of splinting (stabilizing by wiring or bonding teeth together). If a tooth is knocked out, it should be placed in salt water or milk. The sooner the tooth is re-inserted into the dental socket, the better chance it will survive. Therefore, the patient should see a dentist or oral surgeon as soon as possible. Never attempt to wipe the tooth off, since remnants of the ligament that hold the tooth in the jaw are attached and are vital to the success of replanting the tooth. Other dental specialists may be called upon such as endodontists, who may be asked to perform root canal therapy, and/or restorative dentists who may need to repair or rebuild fractured teeth. In the event that injured teeth cannot be saved or repaired, dental implants are often now utilized as replacements for missing teeth.
- DenturesThere is a special type of bone surrounding your teeth. This bone is called alveolar “ridge†bone, and exists solely to support your teeth. As soon as the tooth is removed, this bone begins to degenerate and “melt away.†This occurs in two dimensions. The first is loss of horizontal width caused by the collapse of the bone surrounding the socket. This makes the remaining ridge narrower than when the tooth was present. The second is a loss of vertical height. This makes the remaining bone less “tall.†This process is faster in areas where you wear a partial or complete denture.
- Dental ImplantsWhen you lose a tooth, the connected area of your jawbone will no longer receive the stimulation it needs for healthy bone growth. Over time, this will cause your jawbone to deteriorate and interfere with your candidacy for dental implants.
- Oral SurgeryIf you want to take advantage of this exciting new advancement in oral surgery, call our practice at (412) 366- 2090 and schedule a consultation today. We look forward to meeting you.
- Jaw SurgeryIf you are a candidate for Corrective Jaw Surgery, Drs. Dugan and Sweeney will work closely with your dentist and orthodontist during your treatment. The actual surgery can move your teeth and jaws into a new position that results in a more attractive, functional and healthy dental-facial relationship.
- Maxillofacial SurgeryAs we face this unprecedented challenge in our country and world concerning the COVID-19 pandemic, we want you to know that we at Snyder & Dugan Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery are closely monitoring CDC guidelines as well as recommendations from the Pennsylvania Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons and the American Dental Association. As part of our unwavering dedication to our patients, we’re currently open during our regular hours. We encourage you to take all recommendations seriously, wear your mask, except during your treatment, wash hands often, and contact your doctor if you are experiencing a fever, body aches or respiratory issues. We are all in this together, and the well-being of our patients, staff and community is our top priority. It’s a privilege to be your dental care provider and we thank you for your understanding.
- Tooth ExtractionsThere are two important phases in retaining your alveolar ridge during and after the tooth extraction. Not all extractions are the same. Drs. Dugan and Sweeney will use the most careful techniques to extract the teeth while preserving as much bone as possible. Second, and key to preventing the collapse of the socket, is the addition of bone replacement material to the extraction socket.
- Ridge Augmentation
- Bone GraftingTo perform this treatment, we’ll obtain bone tissue from another part of your body or from a donor and graft it to your jawbone. Bone grafting takes advantage of your bone’s natural ability to regenerate, as the new tissue will absorb and integrate into your existing tissue. With the help of this procedure, you can restore your jawbone to full strength and prevent major complications for your oral health.
- OrthodonticsOrthognathic surgery (or jaw surgery) is needed when jaws don’t meet correctly and/or teeth don’t seem to fit within the jaws. Teeth are straightened with orthodontics and corrective jaw surgery repositions misaligned jaws. This not only improves facial appearance, but also ensures that teeth meet correctly and function properly.
- BracesThe initial healing period following the procedure typically takes about 6 weeks. After this time, your orthodontist will apply braces. It may take up to 12 weeks for your mouth to heal completely, and the entire process including braces may take a few years to complete.