- Business DisputesHave you been thinking about forming a “Company” for your business? Corporation, Partnership or LLC? What are the differences and which one is better for your circumstances? Can it limit your personal liability? Do you really need a formalized business entity? Do you already have company and need some further assistance? Are the documents you have complete or did you just “file” the company and then do nothing further? What happens to your company if you die or become incapacitated - who gets control of it and who gets it?
- Business TransactionsWe can address your legal questions regarding these and many others, work with a qualified CPA to address your potential specific tax issues, and then prepare the legal documents you need for your business and business transactions. In today’s business world, it is better to have it in writing. Let us help. Call us at 405-350-1297.
- Workers Compensation
- Real Estate LitigationHave something more than a routine residential house sale or purchase or has a more complicated issue come up? Do you own a piece of property in “Joint-Ownership” with other persons and they have now passed away? What is an easement or right-of-way and why is it effecting my property? What do you mean “covenants?” What does all that “W/2 NE/4 SW/4 SE/4 Sec.25 T12N R6W.I.M.” mean anyway? How do I go about figuring out what I am really buying or selling? What about the mineral interest? Do you have a unique sale or purchase or have complications and need more than the standard boiler-plate contract and deed language?
- Easement
- Social Security Disability
- Estate PlanningWe can answer these questions and many others. Let us assist you with the appropriate estate planning documents tailor-made for your needs or help you take of a family member’s estate after their passing.
- Wills
- Power of AttorneyWhether large or small or complex or simple, we will use our experience to prepare your Will, Trust, Durable Power of Attorney, Advance Directive for Health Care “Living Will” or other estate planning documents to help you with your particular needs and wishes. You can do many things now to ward off complications that might occur with your estate after you die.
- Probate
- Tax Law