- Medical Weight LossAs I was chatting with a patient about good nutrition and weight loss this week she mentioned that she has lost hundreds pounds in her life but she always gains them back. This is an experience that many of us have had as we attempt to improve ourselves and keep our body at a healthy weight.
- Nutritional Counseling
- Pediatric CareTeach your children 'cough etiquette', which the American Academy of Pediatrics describes as teaching children to turn their heads and cough or sneeze into a disposable tissue or the inside of their elbow if they don't have a tissue, instead of simply coughing or sneezing onto their hands, which will then spread their germs onto everything they touch.
- Ear InfectionsHomeopathy is a safe, beneficial, and cost-effective health solution for you and your family. Homeopaths prescribe based on an assessment of the whole person rather than just one specific disease. Even so, acute illnesses and injuries, such as colds, fevers, sore throats, muscle and joint injury can improve very quickly with homeopathic treatment. Homeopaths know that antibiotics are not the only successful treatment for infections. Ear infections, bladder infections, vaginal infections, conjunctivitis, boils and cellulitis frequently respond well to homeopathic treatment.
- Constipation
- Urinary IncontinenceUrinary Incontinence. When the bladder fills with urine, sensory nerves send impulses to the brain indicating that the bladder is full. The sensory nerves connect with other nerves in the spinal cord to relay this information. In turn, the brain sends impulses back to the bladder instructing the bladder to empty its contents.
- GlaucomaDr. Kondrot will present vital information about Macular Degeneration, Glaucoma and Other Eye Conditions. Learn to save your sight! 800-430-9328.
- Macular Degeneration
- Eye Exam
- Endometriosis
- Pelvic Pain
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Sciatica
- Whiplash
- Cyst
- Sports Medicine
- Manual Therapy"Visceral Manipulation is a very safe, gentle and extremely effective Manual Therapy technique for early detection and correction of impairments that could later lead to severe pathology and loss of function and vitality."