- Limited Liability Companies
- Real Estate LitigationCo-authored "Despite Complexity, Private Foundations Offer Advantages to Donors", published in Estate Planning in July 1985, and authored "Real Estate and the New Tax Law", published in the Ninth Annual Real Estate Law Issue of Los Angeles Lawyer in January 1994. Co-authored "A Family Limited Partnership Compendium" published by Wealth Enhancement Strategies, LLC in 1995, the "A Family Limited Partnership System" published by WealthCounsel, LLC in 2000 and the "A Living Trust Practice System" published by WealthCounsel, LLC in 2001. Co- Author of "Pouring Old Wine Into New Bottles – Using Traditional Estate Planning Tools in Untraditional Ways" published in Southeast Wealth Management Business in February 2008.
- Estate PlanningMany of our clients have significant philanthropic objectives. Some have been generous supporters of charitable organizations in the past, while others are only now discovering the joy of providing financial and other support to charitable, religious or educational causes. Others have concluded that they have already provided sufficient benefits for family members through their estate planning and now wish to give "excess" assets to one or more charitable organizations.
- Wills
- TrustsA revocable living trust does not accomplish its intended objectives unless it is funded. Many trusts remain unfunded due to a lack of effort, and those trusts may require substantial legal work upon disability or death. In contrast, we bring to our practice a commitment to assist clients in transferring title to their assets to their revocable living trust, including the preparation of deeds to transfer real property. When our clients need assistance in transferring real property outside California to their trusts or other entities, we will recommend attorneys in other jurisdictions who are members of WealthCounsel to assist in those transfers.
- Power of Attorney
- Probate
- Tax LawRyan D. Schaap received his undergraduate degree in Political Science from the University of California, Los Angeles. Mr. Schaap received his law degree from the University of Arizona (Tucson, Arizona) and a Master's Degree in tax law (LLM) from New York University. Mr. Schaap is an associate of counsel to Carl R. Waldman, A Law Corporation, located in Westlake Village, California. Mr. Schaap was previously a member of PanitzSchaap, APC, and has extensive experience in tax controversy and planning matters, including representing clients before the Internal Revenue Service, United States Tax Court, and Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. Mr. Schaap is a member of the State Bar of California.