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General Info

The Green Party of the United States is a federation of state Green Parties. Committed to ecology, social justice grassroots democracy and non-violence, Greens are renewing democracy in the United States through community-based organizing without the support of corporate donors. Greens provide real solutions for real problems. Whether the issue is universal health care, corporate globalization, alternative energy, election reform or decent, living wages for workers, Greens have the courage and independence necessary to take on the powerful corporate interests opposed to reform. The Federal Elections Commission recognizes the Green Party of the United States as the official Green Party National Committee. The Green Party of the United States is also a member of the Federation of Green Parties of the Americas and the Global Greens. The highest Green Party decision making body is the Green National Committee, composed of delegates from each accredited state party and caucus. We are grassroots activists, environmentalists, advocates for social justice, nonviolent resisters and regular citizens who've had enough of corporate-dominated politics. We devote our attention to establishing a national Green presence in politics and policy debates, while continuing to facilitate party growth and action at the state and local level. The Green Party of the United States was formed in 2001 as an outgrowth of the Association of State Green Parties ( 1996-2001 ). Our initial goal was to help existing state parties grow and to promote the formation of parties in all 51 states and colonies. Helping state parties is still our primary goal. Our growth has been rapid since our founding and Green candidates are winning elections throughout the U.S.

Regular Hours:
Mon - Fri

Contact Info


Main - 202-319-7191

ExtraTollFree - 888-877-8607

1711 18th St NW Washington, DC 20009


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