- Divorce
- GuardianshipThe information in this section is about probate guardianships. These cases are brought by the person seeking to be appointed guardian or by someone else in the family asking the court to appoint a guardian. If custody of the minor was awarded to a non-parent through the juvenile dependency court, this section does NOT apply.
- Business FormationIf you need help or have questions about our Business Formation Services, you have come to the right place! Rex Crandell Firm has years of experience in helping businesses get started and can point you in the right direction. Schedule an appointment with Rex Crandell Firm and we will sit down and go over your options and answer any questions you may have. We currently offer zoom meetings during the pandemic as well as in office appointments for those who wish to sit down with us. Social distancing is in place and our office wears masks.
- Limited Liability CompaniesRex has many years of experience in bookkeeping, accounting, financial statement preparation, audits, reviews, and consulting. He has prepared thousands of income tax returns, from simple to the most complex, including: individuals, businesses (small & large), partnerships, S and C corporations, limited liability companies, estates, trusts, non-profits, homeowner associations and sales tax and payroll reports.
- Estate PlanningRex Crandell has been in the tax and estates & trusts profession since 1976. He has many years of experience preparing thousands of tax returns, doing estate planning, estate administration and probate.
- WillsYour Last Will and Testament. This document is also known as a pour over will because the will direct the executor to add any asset to the trust if it was not listed in the trust at date of death. A will is the only document to nominate care custodians for minor children when both of the child’s parents pass away. As this is a husband and wife estate plan, there will be one (1) Will prepared for husband and a different Will prepared for the wife.
- TrustsWhat Does the Tax ID (EIN) Number Do? A Tax ID (EIN) number allows the IRS to identify a business or trust. If you created an irrevocable trust, you’ll want to apply for an EIN number as soon as possible. This will make it easy for you file taxes, manage the trust assets, and complete financial transactions. Does a trust need an EIN? Does your trust need a Tax ID or EIN Number? The long and short answer is “it depends”.
- Power of AttorneyThe Advance Healthcare Directive is designed specifically so that if you’re unable to talk to your medical provider you can have another person step in on your behalf. It’s sometimes called a power of attorney for health care or advance health care directive.
- Probate
- Tax LawWe make it a priority to enhance our mastery of the current tax law, complex tax code, and new tax regulations by attending frequent tax seminars.