- Dental ExaminationTeeth Whitening is a cost-effective and safe procedure to create a beautiful, healthy smile. Over the years, fluoride has been added to the whitening product. This reduces the risk of tooth and gum sensitivity. Teeth whitening must be monitored by your dentist and only done after a comprehensive exam and hygiene cleaning.
- Teeth CleaningPeriodontal Disease is a chronic condition that needs immediate attention. Through a series of periodontal cleanings, root planing & scaling, laser therapy and local antibiotics, this condition can be controlled. Periodontal surgery is only necessary for severe cases.
- Fluoride Treatment
- Fillings
- VeneersPorcelain Veneers are thin pieces of porcelain that go directly on your natural teeth. This entire procedure can take as few as two visits. Veneers change the size, shape and color of a patient’s teeth. This procedure is used to repair fractured teeth, teeth darkened by age or medication, or a crooked smile. Many times, patients ask for porcelain veneers to simply feel and look younger with a straighter, whiter smile!
- CrownsCrowns are a permanent cosmetic procedure that covers the entire tooth. It will change the size, shape and color of the teeth in as few as 2 visits.
- Bridges
- Dental Bonding
- Root Canal Treatment
- Periodontal Surgery
- Deep Cleaning
- Dentures
- Dental ImplantsDental Implant is a “man-made” replacement for a missing tooth or tooth root. Made from titanium, this screw-like object is inserted under the gum and directly into the upper or lower jaw bone. There is usually minimal discomfort involved with this procedure. After a period of a few months, the dental implant and the bone fuse together. This creates an anchor for the new tooth to be placed onto the dental implant.
- Oral Surgery
- Ridge AugmentationLaser, Biopsy, Bone Grafting, Ridge Augmentation, Sinus Augmentation, Canine Exposure, Crown Lengthening, Frenectomy, Gingival / Gum Grafting
- Bone Grafting
- Teeth WhiteningThe whitening process can last for a number of years if maintained properly. Beverages such as coffee, tea, cola and wine will reduce the lasting effect. Remember, if it could stain a white shirt, it will stain your smile!