- Medical MassageWhile earning his doctorate of Chiropractic, Dr. DJ discovered the amazing world of Chinese medicine and the variety of conditions that it can treat. He has treated patients for headaches, sleep disturbances, stress/anxiety, digestion and so much more and they have improved significantly with acupuncture treatments. While enrolled in the Fingerlakes School of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine he developed skills in acupuncture, Tuina/Chinese medical massage, Qi gong/Chinese therapeutic movements, and fire cupping. He graduated with a Masters degree in acupuncture in the summer of 2020.
- Chiropractic AdjustmentsThe human body functions most efficiently when it is in balance. A balanced state occurs when the body is free of any illness or injury that causes one or more of its parts to function abnormally. This results in pain, inflammation, and general discomfort. Musculoskeletal imbalances can occur within the muscles or within the skeleton. These imbalances are often the result of an injury or a chronic condition like arthritis or fibromyalgia. Chiropractic adjustments from Tuck Chiropractic Clinic are just one way the delicate balance within the body can be restored, eliminating pain and inflammation. The Balance Between Bone and Continue Reading
- Spinal AdjustmentsNo. Each patient’s care is unique and customized to meet their specific conditions and needs. Treatment plans are also based on your pain. Numerous spinal adjustment types and techniques depend on the patient’s medical history, age, size, and weight. Spinal adjustments done by chiropractic restore the normal healthy motion and position required by each spinal segment and do not injure or weaken the muscular and ligaments structures of the spine. Getting adjusted by your local chiropractor is one way to help you heal your body when suffering from lower back, shoulder, or neck pain without drugs or surgery. The primary Continue Reading
- SubluxationMassage therapy is a highly effective, drug-free approach to relieving strained muscles, increasing circulation, easing stress and achieving relaxation. Chiropractors frequently recommend massage as a supplement to chiropractic care. Despite its benefits, however, massage therapy is not a substitute for chiropractic care because it does not correct actual issues with the spine (vetebral subluxation.)
- Manipulation TherapyJournal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics found that patients who pursued chiropractic manipulation as treatment for neck pain successfully reduced their neck pain by more than 50 percent on average.
- Pediatric ChiropracticThe International Chiropractic Pediatric Association recommends chiropractic care throughout pregnancy to assist with pelvic alignment and fetal positioning.
- Chiropractic Injury TreatmentSports injuries come in many different forms. Most common injuries include tendinitis, stress fractures, neck injuries from contact sports, and lower back injuries.
- AcupunctureHe uses a combination of Chiropractic and Acupuncture to get people back to doing what they love! He is so excited to share this with the people of southwest Virginia and patients that choose Tuck Clinic at Fairlawn!