- Teeth Cleaning
- Fillings
- Resin CompositeThe patient is 14 years old and was experiencing pain due to caries into the nerve of the upper left first molar (tooth #14). Endodontic treatment was completed in one visit and a direct composite resin restoration was placed immediately to seal the root canal system and to maintain the structural integrity of the tooth. The patient returned one month later for a bite/tissue check. The patient has been pain-free since endodontic treatment was performed. By placing a definitive restoration at the time of endodontic treatment, we can delay placement of a crown until the patient is fully grown.
- CrownsThe periodontal probing at the first treatment visit was 12+ mm on the buccal and 9 mm on the distal. I removed the existing crown and placed a provisional crown following medication of the tooth with calcium hydroxide (CH).
- Bridges
- Dental Bonding
- Root Canal TreatmentOur office is committed to treating you with respect and providing valuable care in a friendly and comfortable environment. We are committed to educating you about endodontics and assisting you in making appropriate treatment decisions.
- ApicoectomyI typically reserve root canal surgery (apicoectomy, root amputation, resorption repair) as a treatment of last resort. If we are unable to achieve healing through non-surgical endodontic therapy, surgical intervention may be necessary. Endodontic surgery involves cleaning the root tips directly (in the bone) and requires sutures (stitches) in the gum tissue that will need to be removed a few days following the surgical procedure. That being said, I find that when I am able to achieve the ideal goals of non-surgical endodontic therapy, surgery is typically not needed.
- Oral Surgery