- Criminal DefenseWhen facing criminal charges, a criminal defense attorney can be your ally to help navigate the process. Defense attorneys are legal professionals who specialize in defending individuals accused of committing crimes. Learn more about common questions we receive, then contact Tuttle Larsen, P.A. for help.
- DUI/DWIIn Florida, a charge of driving under the influence carries significant negative legal consequences. It is also commonly referred to as a DWI in other states. Common penalties for a DUI conviction include jail time, fines, license suspension, ignition interlock requirements, addiction counseling and community service. When facing DUI charges, the consequences are severe. They have the potential to have lasting effects on your life and the lives of those closest to you. It’s important to consult an experienced attorney. At
- Wrongful DeathWhen a loved one is killed in an accident caused by another party’s negligence or recklessness, Florida law allows the family of the victim to pursue a wrongful death lawsuit against those responsible. At Tuttle Larsen, P.A., each wrongful death lawyer Florida clients turn to understands that no amount of money will ever make up for the tragic loss of a loved one. We also understand that this sudden loss is not only emotional devastation, but it can also be financially devastating.
- Traffic ViolationsThe most common causes of motorcycle accidents include motorists making left turns in front of motorcycle; sudden stops; motorists making lane changes into a motorcycle’s path; and dangerous road conditions. Motorcyclists are occasionally responsible for causing accidents. Speeding, driving under the influence, lane splitting, and inexperienced drivers are the leading causes of crashes that are the motorcyclist’s fault. One third of motorcyclists who are killed in crashes have a blood alcohol level of 0.08 or more. Forty percent of motorcycle fatalities are motorcycle-only crashes and do not involve another vehicle.
- Robbery
- BurglaryTheft and Property Crimes: Whether it’s shoplifting, burglary, or grand theft, a defense attorney can help you understand the charges and develop an appropriate defense strategy.
- White Collar CrimesWhite-Collar Crimes: defense attorneys can defend individuals accused of embezzlement, fraud, insider trading, and other white-collar crimes.
- Theft
- MisdemeanorsBattery is touching or striking another person against their will. Like assault, it can be charged as a misdemeanor or a felony. Being charged with these types of violent crimes is a serious matter. In addition to the penalties, these charges, like all criminal convictions, carry a strong social stigma that can haunt your future. The penalties include jail time, probation, required counseling, fines and the payment of restitution.
- EmbezzlementThere is often more at stake than spending time in jail if you are convicted of theft or fraud. Criminal background checks are common. Those with theft charges on their criminal records experience long-lasting difficulties in their lives. If you have been charged with misdemeanor shoplifting, felony embezzlement, or dealing with charges for a worthless or forged check, our experienced lawyers can help. We will develop a defense that best protects your rights and interests.
- Drug CrimesDrug offenses in Florida are varied. Prosecutors use this to make charges difficult to understand and as threatening as possible. They intimidate those accused into making a plea out of fear. Regulated drugs are known as “controlled substances.” Florida’s controlled substances statute covers over 100 different chemicals. This means that while the street name of the drug or substance may not be listed, the drug is still encompassed by the statute.
- AssaultSometimes assault and battery charges are a result of a variety of situations ranging from simple horseplay to dangerous brawls. Our experienced attorneys will review your facts and explain the potential defense to these charges. We have helped hundreds of people facing assault and battery charges with positive results.
- Probation Violation
- Shoplifting
- Hit and RunIf you’ve sustained injuries in a hit-and-run accident, you may still have options for seeking compensation. Your own insurance policy’s uninsured motorist coverage can potentially cover medical expenses and other damages resulting from the incident. Additionally, if the at-fault driver is identified, legal action may be pursued against them. Our
- Premises Liability“Premises liability” is the legal name for the concept that landowners have a duty to others to prevent unreasonable harm when they visit a property. It is often used when someone is hurt or injured in a number of scenarios. For instance, if you were injured by another patron at a bar who had become aggressive, you may have a premises liability claim against the bar.
- Property DamageCan help you recover compensation for the losses you have suffered. A car accident can bring a variety of damages including physical and mental injuries, property damage, long-term health issues, and lost wages. All these losses and more can be recovered in a settlement with the aid of an experienced and knowledgeable car accident lawyer. To discover more about how we can help you, contact Tuttle Larsen, P.A. today to schedule your free consultation.
- Personal InjuryTuttle Larsen, P.A., will aggressively fight for you. We will use our vast knowledge and understanding of Florida accident and personal injury law to protect your legal rights and obtain the maximum financial compensation for you.
- Medical Malpractice
- Auto Accidents
- Dog BitesAccording to statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there are approximately 4.7 million people bitten by dogs in the United States each year. This comes out to one in 70 people who become victims of dog bites each year. If you have suffered a dog bite or attack, contact a dog bite lawyer Florida families trust from Tuttle Larsen, P.A. to find out what legal recourse you may have for the losses your injuries have caused.
- Slip and Fall InjuryWe represent clients who have been injured in a pool accident, from slip-and-fall injuries to drowning or near-drowning. We’re prepared to take cases that occur on any type of property that has a pool, including hotels or resorts, gyms and health clubs, water parks, local pools, and private homes with a swimming pool.