- Headaches
- Medical Weight LossThe New Year is coming and many people include healthier eating and exercise in their resolutions for the year ahead. Well other than weight loss and overall health and disease-prevention, a healthy diet and regular exercise can protect your eyes and your vision. In particular, there are certain vitamins and...
- Emergency CareWhen a health crisis occurs, it is common to consider a visit to the nearest hospital emergency room for care. However, when the emergency is related to your eyes, consider a trip to your optometrist's office as the first stop.
- GlaucomaJanuary is National Glaucoma Awareness Month. Glaucoma affects between 3 and 4 million Americans and is the number two cause of preventable blindness worldwide. About 50% of patients with glaucoma are currently undiagnosed. It is sobering to think about how many of you reading this article right now currently have...
- Macular DegenerationIt’s that time of the year again. Each February, the optometric community bands together to create awareness about age-related macular degeneration (AMD). AMD is a leading cause of vision loss for people 50 years and older; early detection plays a key role in the outcome of the disease. That’s why...
- Laser Eye SurgeryMyopia is typically treated with corrective eyeglasses or contact lenses and in certain cases refractive surgery such as LASIK or PRK is an option. Surgery is the riskiest treatment as it requires permanently changing the shape of the cornea. Other treatments involve implanting a lens that reshapes the cornea called a phakic intra-ocular lens or vision therapy. A treatment called Ortho-k, in which the patient wears corneal reshaping contact lenses at night to see without correction during the day can be another option.
- CataractsSunglasses are important all the time, not just during the hot summer months. Dangerous ultra violet (UV) rays are around all year long. Sunglasses with UV protection will help protect your eyes from cataracts and other irreversible damage.
- Eye ExamBest visit for an eye exam and glasses I have had in 28 years! Tiffany and Dr. Price were awesome and did a great job explaining everything in my exam. But, Hillary G. and Hillary M. were the highlight of my appointment. Thanks to them my son moved out of his comfort zone and got his first new frames in FOUR years! Thank you both for your patience.
- Pregnancy
- Mental HealthMay is Mental Health Awareness Month in the USA; in Canada, Mental Health week is May 6th to 12th. Since 1949, it has been observed throughout the United States as a way of drawing attention to the importance of proper mental health. This year’s theme is #4Mind4Body. The idea is...
- Diabetes Care
- Diabetic RetinopathyDiabetic retinopathy is a potentially sight-threatening condition caused by high blood sugar levels in diabetics. Fortunately, your eye doctor can advise on how to manage and reduce the risk of developing it.
- BotoxCosmetic procedures have been prominent for both women and men for years. While the popularity of certain procedures tends to decrease and incline in waves, temporary facial “improvements†like Botox injections have become and remain one of the most popular cosmetic procedures. The popularity is thanks to its noninvasiveness, and...
- Allergies