- Highlights
- Chiropractic AdjustmentsAfter the chiropractic adjustment Dr. Ava Frick performed on my horse and me applying the required stretching exercises for 6 weeks, the physical and emotional changes in my horse were nothing short of amazing.
- Nutritional ConsultationA common problem in nutritional therapy is determining if the animal is actually improving, especially if some conditions persists or new issues arise. Repeat TMA tests compared to previous tests can often provide answers as to whether improvement is occurring, why some conditions persist, and what to expect in the future.
- Stretching
- SubluxationSubluxations affect the nervous system, local muscles, joints and even distant organs, glands and body functions.
- Manipulation Therapy
- Applied Kinesiology
- AcupunctureThis is a look at keeping optimal health for the young and bringing life back for those older or disease pets. This topic covers nutrition, exercise, diseases, chiropractic, acupuncture and vaccination concerns.