- Dental Examination
- Teeth CleaningSchedule dental visits every six months to keep away mouth monsters, especially the dreaded Tooth D.K. The routine teeth cleanings at regular check-ups help remove pests like Tartar the Terrible and Ginger Bite-Us.
- Fluoride Treatment
- Dental Sealants
- Fillings
- CrownsKnocked Out Permanent Tooth – Contact a dentist immediately. Time is a critical factor in saving a permanent tooth. Find the tooth and gently rinse off any dirt with room temperature water. Hold the tooth by the crown, not the root, and do not scrub it. Place the tooth into its socket and have your child hold the tooth in place. If you are not able to reinsert the tooth, put it in a cup with milk and bring it to the dentist.
- Tooth Extractions
- Teeth WhiteningDr. Hishaw enjoys every opportunity to serve in her community to further the public’s education on children’s oral health. She has given presentations to area health professionals, as well as lectures and presentations across the country to her fellow colleagues. She has co-authored research articles on tooth whitening in children in professional dental journals worldwide. Her compassionate nature with her colleagues and patients has brought her recognition as one of Tucson’s Top Dentist™. She was nationally recognized on Discovery Health Channel’s “Mystery Diagnosis” series where she was highlighted for her role in diagnosing a rare neurological disorder in one of her patients.