- DivorceReagen is an experienced military divorce lawyer who can explain the unique laws applicable to divorces and legal separations involving military members.
- Child SupportPaternity must be legally established before a parent can be ordered to pay child support or be awarded decision-making authority and/or parenting time of their child.
- Child Custody and Visitation
- PaternityReagen is well-versed in the complexities of Paternity law. She can assist in easily navigating the sensitive legal area that affects the lives of the child or children involved as well as their parents, while keeping the best interest of the child in mind.
- Spousal SupportAlimony, spousal support, or spousal maintenance issues should be settled while negotiating your divorce settlement. That takes control away from the judge and leaves it where it belongs...with you and your spouse.
- Legal SeparationA Decree of Legal Separation ends the community nature of your marriage, but not the marriage itself. You and your spouse are still married, but you no longer own property or owe debt together. Any income, debt, or property acquired after the date of the Decree is each spouse’s sole and separate asset or debt. Even if you later divorce, the property and debt acquired during the marriage cannot be divided between you unless you intentionally acquired it together.
- AnnulmentA Decree of Annulment does not just end your marriage it makes it so that you and your spouse were never married. Annulments can only be granted under very limited circumstances. Although an annulment negates your marriage, the marriage still created a community and the property and debt acquired during the marriage must still be divided equitably.
- Drug CrimesReagen Kulseth is an experienced litigator. She was a prosecutor with the Pima County Attorney’s Office from 1992 through 2004. While serving as a state's attorney, Reagen handled a wide variety of cases, including those involving violent crimes, gangs, vehicular offenses, drug possessions and sales, homicides, and felony domestic violence. In 2005, Reagen left public service and entered private practice. She has been a family law litigator ever since.