- The Ftd Bountifult Rose Bouquet$34.99the ftd bountifult rose bouquet is a beautiful display of autumn grandeur. vibrant orange roses are lovely and elegant arranged amongst yellow spray roses and deep red hypericum berries. all are perfectly arranged in a designer ceramic pumpkin container, with lid included, to create a delightful way to send your warmest wishes for a wonderful fall season.
- The Ftd Birthday Wishest Bouquet By Better Homes And Gardens$49.99ftd proudly presents the better homes and gardenst birthday wishest bouquet. send bright and happy wishes for the ultimate birthday celebration with this colorful arrangement. peach roses, orange asiatic lilies, white gerbera daisies, green button poms and lush greens are perfectly arranged in a designer clear green glass vase to create a beautiful addition to their birthday festivities.
- The Ftd Sunny Sentimentst Bouquet$34.99the ftd sunny sentimentst bouquet is a blooming expression of charming cheer. briliant yellow roses and peruvian lilies are paired with white traditional daisies and green button poms to create a memorable bouquet. accented with lush greens and arranged in a classic clear glass vase, this bouquet is a wonderful way to celebrate any of life's special moments.
- Golden Ediblest Birthday Belgian Chocolate-dipped Oreo Cookies$34.99the golden ediblest birthday chocolate-dipped oreo cookies are the perfect way to share in their birthday celebration. an assortment of 15 oreo cookies are doused in milk, dark, and white belgian chocolates then rolled and embellished with festive candies for a bright and tempting look. arriving in an elegant gift box, this gourmet treat is a wonderful way to send them happy wishes on their big day.
- The Ftd Perfect Birthday Gift Bouquet$39.99the ftd perfect birthday gift bouquet is bright and cheerful bouquet set to get the celebration started! bright yellow roses, orange gerbera daisies, and purple lisianthus create a brilliant splash of color arranged amongst lush greens and placed in a bright birthday bag displaying candles in every shade. a wonderful way to show you care on his big day.
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