- Warts
- Pediatric CareOur goal is to provide you with the best in pediatric care. We are here to serve you and your children.
- Primary CareAdapted from the AHRQ definition, the PCPCC describes the medical home as an approach to the delivery of primary care that is...
- Ear Infections
- Emergency CareCut or Bitten Tongue, Lip or Cheek: Apply ice to injured areas to help control swelling. If there is bleeding, apply firm but gentle pressure with a gauze or cloth. If bleeding cannot be controlled by simple pressure, call a doctor or visit the hospital emergency room.
- Constipation
- Diarrhea
- ImmunizationsWe understand that there has always been, and will likely always be, controversy surrounding vaccination, but that controversy does not change the facts, the science, or the evidence about vaccines.
- Pregnancy
- Urinary Tract Infection
- AutismWe believe, based on all available data, scientific literature, current studies, and evidence-based medicine, that vaccines do not cause autism or other developmental disabilities. We also believe that thimerosal, a preservative that has been in vaccines for decades, and that remains in a only a few vaccines today, does not cause autism or other developmental disabilities.
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- Depression
- Mental HealthExpression Sessions At CHCHC we believe in integrative health to address children and family's mental health and emotional well being. Through expression sessions, that occur every week, we have free art class on Wednesdays for children and families as a creative outlet to help your child be more physically and emotionally healthy. See more on Sports & Exercise and the benefits of your child's health.
- Behavioral HealthWe received our Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH) certification effective December 5th, 2019. We are proud to be the Only Patient Centered Medical Home in the State with the prestigious Behavioral Health Distinction.
- Anxiety
- X-Rays
- Acne Treatment
- Frostbite
- Eczema
- Rashes
- Sports Medicine
- Neck Pain
- Back Pain