- Primary CarePlease contact your physician to assure that all patient information has been forwarded to our office. This may include copies of test results, office notes, x-ray reports and other materials. All HMO insured patients should contact their primary care physician to be sure that a referral has been made to this office.
- Emergency CareWe believe in the value of the patient’s time and will always try to avoid long waiting periods. Occasionally, urgent consultations or emergency room visits do precipitate unforeseen delays, and we request your indulgence. If timing is critical to your schedule, please notify us ahead of time, and we may be able to accommodate you by scheduling you as the first appointment in the morning or the first afternoon appointment. If delays occur on a day when your schedule does not allow you to stay, you can be rescheduled either later that day or at another time. Because of the specialized nature of our practice, it may take longer than you experience with your primary physician to get a routine appointment with our office.
- ColonoscopyColon cancer is the second largest cause of cancer-related deaths in the United States. The biggest breakthrough in the treatment of colon cancer is the increased emphasis on preventative screening. It is recommended by the American Cancer Society that everyone have a colonoscopy at age 50, because colon cancer usually presents no symptoms until its more advanced stages. If a relative has been diagnosed with colon cancer, screenings may be needed even sooner. Diagnosed in its earliest stages, colon cancer can be effectively treated and cured.
- Internal Medicine
- Gastroenterology
- Colon Cancer
- EndoscopyCapsule Endoscopy - Takes photos of the entire digestive tract via a pill-sized camera. (most effective in visualizing the small bowel)