- Summer Breeze Bouquet$39.99Imagine the warmth of a soft summer breeze caressing you from head to toe. That's the feeling this expressive mix of sunflowers, alstroemeria, limonium and button poms conveys. Adding to the charm and ambiance of the arrangement is a blue mason jar container.
- Always On My Mind Bouquet$39.99An unforgettable blend of roses, alstroemeria, Monte Casino blooms and tulips are artfully arranged in a purple passion vase…assuring that special someone in your life that they are indeed always on your mind
- Feels Like Home Bouquet$39.99From the charming garden rose watering can to the serene colors of the flowers themselves, this bouquet underscores the comforts of home. Roses, carnations, mini carnations and limonium are arranged beautifully for all to enjoy.
- American Glory Bouquet$39.99Displaying a glorious celebration of red, white and blue, this assortment of carnations, daisies and delphinium in a clear gathering vase expresses patriotic feelings that are perfect for gift-giving and for decorating your own home.
- Vibrant Beauty BouquetS: $39.99M: $49.99L: $59.99Roses, lilies, athos, alstroemeria and Monte Casino blooms are celebrated superbly in all their vibrant beauty in this gleaming bouquet arranged in a clear gathering vase.
- Sweetest EmotionS: $39.99M: $49.99L: $59.99Oh, how sweet it is! This playful and highly expressive arrangement grabs your eye and simply will not let go. A uniquely beautiful creation featuring roses, gerbera daisies, alstroemeria and button poms in a dragonfly pot cover container.
- Plant Perfection$34.99Perfection is not often achieved, however this bamboo plant re-defines the meaning of the word perfection…a stunning example of botanical grace and style in a terracotta color planter.
- Smiles All Around$39.99Yes indeed, it will be smiles around…and from ear to ear…for the lucky recipient of this beautiful Rhoeo plant. Providing an eye-catching setting for the plant is a distinctive dragonfly pot cover container.
- Iris Medley$39.99This modern bouquet of iris, gerbera and carnations in a cheery green vase is expertly designed by our floral artisans and makes the perfect gift for any occasion.
- Citrus Surprise$34.99With its bold splash of color, this captivating arrangement of button poms, roses and cremons in a purple cache container is sure to enchant any recipient.
- Happy Birthday Wishes$39.99You can almost see the dramatic hues of brilliant color spread across the sky in this beautiful arrangement filled with a rainbow of roses, button poms, statice, and gerbera and yellow daisies in a dragonfly pot cover container.
- Rainbow Wishes Bouquet$39.99Roses, gerbera and yellow daisies, statice and button poms form a palette of vibrant color that bursts forth effortlessly yet magnificently in this beautiful bouquet. Complementing it all is a clear gathering vase
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