- Residential Pest Control
- Commercial Pest Control
- AntsThere are about 700 species of ants native to the United States, but only around 25 of them are commonly found in the home. Species native to Southern California include: the carpenter ant, the harvester ant, the fire ant and the Pharaoh ant.
- SpidersThese spiders are nocturnal, shy, and generally non-aggressive. They are most active at night and will seldom live near other spiders. They only “socialize” during mating, and do not often bite humans unless their web is disturbed. Bites can be quite painful, but rarely fatal. Anyone bitten by a black widow should seek medical treatment.
- Bed BugsBed bug bites, while not initially painful, can result in rashes and other allergic reactions. Most people experience raised welts, burning or itching and a pattern of straight lines across their skin. Catching an infestation early can prevent any bites at all. It’s fairly easy to spot the signs – they leave fecal stains on fabric, blood stains on their feeding grounds and shed their skins as they mature.
- FleasAdult fleas are easily visible, so identifying an infestation is usually simple. Pets that itch frequently and itchy bug bites can indicate flea activity in the home. Flea feces resembles black pepper, so any traces of feces on the ground or on pets may also be an indicator.
- CockroachesCockroaches have been around for an estimated 320 million years, and will continue to exist long after we’re gone, due to their resilient nature. Some species are helpful to the environment, providing nitrogen for the environment as part of their digestive cycle. Other species are household pests that carry bacteria and can trigger asthmatic and allergic reactions.
- SilverfishThey are nocturnal and move quickly throughout the night. Centipedes, earwigs and spiders are their natural predators, but all of those pests provide a problem in the home. Silverfish populations can grow exponentially in short periods of time – prompt and thorough professional treatment is the recommended solution.
- BeesOn one occasion, Honda Center was invaded by a swarm of bees just prior to an event. A Skyline tech was on-site addressing the problem within one hour of our call on a weekend. This level of service is invaluable to our business.”
- Wasps
- EarwigsNcers at the ends of their bodies. These pincers are not dangerous to humans, and are primarily used to “battle” other earwigs. Contrary to the myths, earwigs do not burrow into human ears. They prefer moist environments, like wet soil in gardens or under home foundations. Earwigs eat decaying matter and occasionally small plants.
- Flies
- CentipedesCentipedes are fast-moving carnivores that kill their pray with venomous bites. Their bodies are flat and they have one pair of legs per body segment. Bites are not normally dangerous to humans, but infants and small pets may be more susceptible to centipede venom.
- MillipedesMillipedes are slow-moving insects that eat decaying matter. Their bodies are rounder, and they have two pairs of legs per body segment. Millipedes do not bite, but some species release toxins from glands on their bodies, and this toxin can cause blisters on human skin.
- BeetlesBlack and brown widows will prey on common household pests like ants, roaches, scorpions, beetles, and grasshoppers. They can survive up to a year without food.
- Scorpions
- Hornets
- Pantry PestsMost homeowners will be dealing with the pantry variety of weevil. Referred to as a type of “stored pantry pest”, these weevils stow away in packaged food, usually rice. Double-checking food products before you purchase them can reduce the risk of introducing an infestation into the home.
- Gnats“Skyline Pest Control has been a partner with Honda Center since 2007, and since that time, they have provided impeccable service for our facility as our official pest control service provider. Prior to entering into a partnership with Skyline, we had numerous issues with our previous provider involving rats, improperly supplied bait boxes, gnats and cockroaches which could have resulted in either heavy fines or having our food service shut down. In an industry such as ours, we can ill afford such heavy penalties and have relied upon Skyline Pest Control to keep our building safe, clean and healthy for our patrons.
- Pill BugsPillbugs (more commonly, “rollie-pollies”) and sowbugs (also known as a “woodlouse”) are not actually insects – they are two types of land-dwelling crustaceans. It can be difficult to distinguish between the two, and for practical purposes, it’s not often necessary, but pillbugs are darker, with shinier “shells”, and they can roll into protective balls. Sowbugs have a lighter coloring, their shell is rougher, and they
- Sow Bugs
- Boxelder BugsBox Elder Bugs are small, black and red bugs that are often found around box elder trees. They thrive in warm climates and will be most active during the summer. Their diet consists of leaves, flowers and seeds, and they rarely venture indoors during the summer for this reason. Unfortunately, during the winter, they seek warm temperatures, and will be more likely to enter buildings to hibernate.
- Birds
- RodentsOur company offers full-service pest control. We want to help protect your home and business from the complications, inconveniences and destruction that pests and rodents bring. We will tailor our services to fit your needs! We can help you with...
- MiceFleas are tiny, red-brown parasites that feed off blood. They usually target furry animals, like cats, dogs, rabbits, rats and mice. Their wingless bodies are capable of jumping large distances, enabling them to jump from host to host. When they can’t feed on their preferred host, they will settle for other animals or occasionally humans.
- Rats“Skyline Pest Control has been a partner with Honda Center since 2007, and since that time, they have provided impeccable service for our facility as our official pest control service provider. Prior to entering into a partnership with Skyline, we had numerous issues with our previous provider involving rats, improperly supplied bait boxes, gnats and cockroaches which could have resulted in either heavy fines or having our food service shut down. In an industry such as ours, we can ill afford such heavy penalties and have relied upon Skyline Pest Control to keep our building safe, clean and healthy for our patrons. On one occasion, Honda Center was invaded by a swarm of bees just prior to an event. A Skyline tech was on-site addressing the problem within one hour of our call on a weekend. This level of service is invaluable to our business.” –Matt Wiech
- Gophers