- Kidney Stones
- Lung CancerLung cancer accounts for more deaths in the United State than any other type of cancer. A recent study funded by the National Institute of Health revealed a 20 percent reduction in lung cancer related deaths of current and formerly heavy smokers who were screened with CT Scans versus those screened with chest x-rays. The study included over 53,000 people, aged 55 to 74, who had a smoking history of at least 30 pack-years. All participants needed to be without signs, symptoms, or history of lung cancer. Each participant then received either three annual screens of CT Scans or standard chest x-rays.
- UltrasoundUltrasound studies use high frequency sound waves to provide image information of various soft-tissue parts of the body including the abdomen, pelvic area, neck, legs, breasts, arteries and veins.
- MRIMRIs have become one of the most popular methods for diagnostic studies. By using a combination of radio waves and a magnetic field, MRI images can differentiate between all body tissues and fluids.
- RadiologyAdvanced Radiology offers complete CT screening diagnostic services. Call us about our reasonable self-pay rates if your insurance does not provide coverage for screening tests.
- X-Rays
- Computed TomographyCT scans show bones and soft tissues inside the body. Medical professionals are able to view the images one by one or collectively as a comprehensive three-dimensional picture. The technique is very useful in allowing doctors to make decisions quickly.