- FramingAll of our posts and trusses are sandblasted down to new metal and have two coats of grey industrial enamel. Galvanized purlins are always recommended. Grey industrial enamel paint is also used as a finish coat on all posts and trusses to match purlins. In the field, once all framing is done, all welds will be painted with the same grey industrial enamel paint to give all the framing a new and clean appearance.
- InsulationWe have had customers finish out their own interior with our help on plumbing, electrical, and spray foam insulation. We have also had our customers bring their own finish out contractors to the table that we have gladly worked with on the project from the very beginning foundation work until all metal building components were complete. When customers ask us “Who do you recommend finishing out your project” we always ONLY recommend Mark Pawlik with Southlan Custom Homes. He buit his business on the same principals we did and we have found him to be the most reliable and comparable craftsmanship to our own. He has been knocking out projects for us all over South and Central Texas for us since 2009 and we haven’t found anyone like him. He is the Goebel Buildings of the Custom Home world.
- Masonry