Shop Your Way Personal Shopper
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Get the latest in product savings on your favorite brands. Shop at the stores you know and watch your savings and rewards points grow.
- Regular Hours:
Mon - Sun - Category
- Personal Shopping Service
- Services / Products
- Signing up to become a Shop Your Way member is absolutely free. Visit my personal home page and click the Join option. As a Shop Your Way member, you'll receive exclusive access to product savings, rewards points on qualifying purchases, savings coupons for online and in-store purchases, website access to Shop Your Way savings and benefits, my personal online shopping assistance, emails savings alerts from Shop Your Way, and mygofer shopping assistance.
- Brands
- Sears-Kmart-Land's End-mygofer
- Location
- Click on the web link to visit my personal invitation page. For assistance with your shopping needs, email me at: Reference: Shop Your Way Personal Shopper in your email.
- Amenities
- Convenient online shopping for your favorite products and brands at Online shopping assistance. You may email me with questions or shopping needs.
- Accreditation
Shop Your Way Rewards Program
- Associations
- I am an independent contractor with Shop Your Way.
General Info
As a Shop Your Way Personal Shopper, it is my goal to help members save the most money on their favorite products, in the least amount of time. Shop Your Way members receive exclusive savings on products and collect rewards points towards future purchases. The steps are simple: Visit my personal invitation page Sign up for your Shop Your Way membership Access your Shop Your Way Rewards products at Or, find Shop Your Way Rewards products online or in-store at: Sears***Kmart***Land's End***mygofer