- Child SupportFiling a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy is known as a reorganization or repayment plan. Entering into a Chapter 13 Plan allows you to restructure your debt through a repayment plan. As a Tampa Chapter 13 bankruptcy attorney I can give you the opportunity to preserve assets, eliminate dischargeable debts, and obtain the flexibility to repay other debts though plan payments. You can often keep many of the assets that you want to keep such as your home and cars. If you have solid, dependable income but cannot service all your debts and have property you want to protect, Chapter 13 bankruptcy may be the best solution. Additionally, if you have multiple credit cards debts, a payment plan can be structured so there is a monthly repayment amount that will fit your budget and make it more manageable to pay other obligations such as a home mortgage, or non-dischargeable tax debts and arrears on student loans or child support. Another benefit is that you do not have to negotiate with the creditors. They have to abide by the repayment plan set up by the trustee. You are also allowed deductions for necessary expenses such health care, contributions to 401K or retirement accounts, rent or mortgage, vehicle and transportation expenses, childcare expenses, etc. which are calculated before its determined the amount left over in the plan to pay back your creditors.
- Personal InjuryAt some point in our lives it is inevitable that we will need an attorney. It is important to completely understand your legal situation. It is not uncommon for people to take legal matters in their own hands without consulting with an attorney. In some situation I have seen people make their situation much worse by not consulting with an attorney. My main areas of practice include Bankruptcy and Personal Injury
- BankruptcyYour credit report reflects your financial ability or inability to pay your debts. If you are unable to pay your debts in a timely manner then this will be reflected in your credit report. If you take the necessary steps to correct your financial situation your credit will be reported in a positive fashion. It is not uncommon to receive credit card offers after you file your initial bankruptcy case. Generally it takes about 18-24 months after filing bankruptcy to establish good credit. Some employers will pull your credit report when evaluating you for employment opportunities. Credit worthiness is most likely to be considered in evaluating candidates for various employment positions in several different career fields. A bankruptcy will typically appear on your major credit reports for seven (7) years for a Chapter 13 up to ten (10) years for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Many employers will respect that a bankruptcy was filed to regain control of debt issues and that the potential employee took action to correct their financial obligations.
- ForeclosureThe success of a loan modification is based on several factors including hardship, income and the ability to pay the loan. It depends on the individual lender and what programs maybe available. When you request a modification with your lender the process may take several months. Many people are under the mistaken impression that after foreclosure process is initiated that the lender will not continue foreclosure proceedings if you have sent them the loan modification package. Lenders will continue the foreclosure process if the loan is delinquent even though they are reviewing your loan for a modification.
- Debt CollectionIf you have a debt that has been “charged off” this means that your original creditor has written your debt off their books. However, this DOES NOT mean that you are not responsible for the payment of the debt. Creditors often sell individual debts to third party collection companies whose business is debt collection. The collection company will first contact you in an attempt to collect the debt and if unsuccessful will take further actions such as filing a lawsuit and obtaining a judgment. After a judgment is entered, the creditor has the power to garnish wages, seize assets, or assert a lien against your property.