- Dental ExaminationThe best way to prevent gum disease is effective daily brushing and flossing as well as regular professional examinations and cleanings. Periodontal disease is a multi-factorial disease. Many factors affect your periodontal condition. Periodontal disease has always been referred to as the “silent disease” because many people do not realize they have the disease. Three out of four adults are affected with periodontal disease at some time in their life. Unfortunately, even with the most diligent home dental care, people still can develop some forms of periodontal disease. Once this disease starts professional intervention by your dentist and periodontist is required to properly prevent its progress.
- X-raysInform us as to who is referring you and why you are being referred to our office and if any recent dental x-rays have been taken by your dentist
- Oral Cancer ScreeningYour initial visit is an important first step in letting us provide the best in oral health care. We take time to get know you as a person and identify your unique dental needs. A comprehensive periodontal examination, an oral cancer screening and a detailed review of your medical and dental history are completed. If needed, diagnostic x-rays will be taken.
- Teeth CleaningPeriodontics of Southern Illinois employs experienced registered dental hygienists to assist in maintaining your dental health. They will instruct you in home care and provide you with individual periodontal cleanings.
- CrownsThere are different types of crown lengthening procedures. One type is for the patient with the “gummy” smile. When someone smiles their teeth look short and excess gum tissue shows. Dr. Renner, Dr. Stanczyk, Dr. Reyes can re-contour the excess gum and reshape the bone to expose more of your natural tooth. This can make a dramatic difference in a person’s smile.
- Bridges
- Root Canal TreatmentDental implants have been used for several decades. Patients of all ages have chosen dental implants to restore a single tooth or several teeth or to support a partial or full denture. Dental implants are actually more tooth-saving than traditional bridgework, since implants do not rely on neighboring teeth for support. Dental implants are made of titanium. They do not decay or rust. They do not get root canal problems. They are resistant to periodontal disease.
- Periodontal SurgeryAfter your periodontal evaluation, Dr. Renner, Dr. Stanczyk, Dr. Reyes may recommend periodontal surgery. Periodontal surgery is necessary when the disease is too advanced causing the tissue around your teeth to be unhealthy to the point that it cannot be repaired with non-surgical treatment. Often, the depth of the periodontal pockets, limits your ability to brush and floss efficiently, and also limits the hygienist’s ability to clean these areas.
- Deep CleaningAt times, periodontal health can be achieved through non-surgical periodontal treatment. Dr. Renner, Dr. Stanczyk, Dr. Reyes may recommend scaling and root planning procedures. These procedures are performed utilizing a local anesthetic. They involve the careful cleaning of the root surfaces to remove plaque and calculus (tartar) from deep periodontal pockets and to smooth the root surface to remove bacterial toxins. After theses procedures, the patient will require ongoing periodontal maintenance therapy to sustain their periodontal health. They will need to get frequent dental cleanings and maintain good home care.
- DenturesThere is a growing body of scientific evidence suggesting possible links between periodontal disease and other systemic diseases such as diabetes and coronary artery disease.
- Dental ImplantsImplantVision provides dental professionals worldwide with rich multimedia tools (dental implant consultation software, videos for websites, and custom DVD’s) to effectively and efficiently educate patients on the benefits of dental implant treatment.
- Oral Surgery
- Tooth Extractions
- Ridge Augmentation
- Bone GraftingRidge preservation [maintaining the jaw bone after a tooth is extracted] is essential to having success with implants. After a tooth is lost the remaining bone can resorb by up to 60% within the first year. Bone grafting procedures are necessary to keep this from happening.
- Orthodontics
- Braces
- General Dentistry