- Commercial Pest ControlGressette Pest Management provides a wide variety of custom pest management solutions for commercial buildings and professional office suites. We understand that businesses have unique requirements, and that pest control services should enhance your business, not distract you from it. That's why we make it a point to design and perform commercial pest control services around the client's schedule, with the needs of your business foremost in our minds.
- AntsDid you know that the number one pest control problem in America is ants! It's not surprising to learn that these tiny little insects have become such a nuisance for American homes. They can nest in anything from toys to cars to even inside the walls of your home.
- SpidersFall, one of our favorite times of the year...Thanksgiving, pumpkin spice, cooler weather, and spiders...SPIDERS? That's right, spiders! Have you ever noticed that you tend to see a lot more spiders in Autumn? Well, that's because it's breeding season for our fly-eating friends. The reason spiders tend to come into our homes is because they are in search of food, heat, a mate, and a nice place to lay their eggs.
- TermitesNobody wants to deal with pests issues in their home, and in some cases, you may not even be aware that you have an issue at all. Keeping your home and family safe from pests can be difficult, especially if the problem is termites.
- Bed BugsWe have been serving homeowners and businesses in Bamberg County for years. Our mission is to protect you, your family, and your home. Let us help you with your Termite, Bed Bug, Pest Prevention, and moisture control needs in the Bamberg, South Carolina area.
- FleasThis can be beneficial in preventing fleas from laying their eggs on your pets and can help protect your home from flea infestations.
- CockroachesRoaches, everyone is familiar with those nasty bugs that have been plaguing men and women for as long as we can remember. They get in everything and multiply faster than rabbits. Not only are they a nuisance, but they are also a health hazard. Did you know that roaches have been known to carry some of the deadliest diseases, and just one cockroach can produce up to 400 eggs in its lifetime?
- Silverfish
- TicksBesides providing effective control of fire ants for one year, TopChoice also controls mole crickets for four months, nuisance ants for three months, and fleas and ticks for one month.
- Crickets
- MosquitoesSouth Carolina's warm and humid climate provides the perfect breeding ground for mosquitoes. These pesky insects are not only a nuisance but can also transmit diseases like West Nile virus and Zika virus. We offer comprehensive mosquito control solutions to protect your family and make your outdoor spaces more enjoyable. Our environmentally-friendly treatments target mosquito breeding sites and reduce the adult mosquito population around your home.
- FliesWe also have a quality program for commercial kitchens for the prevention and remedial control of small flies (drain, fruit & phorid flies). This program does not rely on your staff to provide the large amount of sanitation and structural repairs that's needed for the control procedures to work. We can do it for you if that best meets your needs!
- BeetlesGressette Pest Management provides corrective treatment for all wood destroying organisms including subterranean termites, dry-wood termites, powder post beetles, old house borers, wood decaying fungus, and even specific moisture conditions.
- Stinging Insects
- Moles
- RodentsOur rodent control program is essential in eliminating this nasty pest. Controlling their water, food, and shelter is the first step.
- MiceRodents, such as mice and rats, can easily find their way into your new home, causing property damage and spreading diseases. They can chew through wires, insulation, and wood, resulting in costly repairs. Our rodent control services will help you eliminate existing infestations and prevent future ones, ensuring your family remains safe and your home stays damage-free.
- RatsGressette Pest Management's Monthly and Quarterly Service program begins with a thorough inspection of your home - inside and out. Following the inspection, select areas inside your home will be treated for the prevention and control of common household pests.
- SquirrelsEven squirrels can be carriers of fleas and be one of the reasons for bringing fleas into your yard. Fleas hide in tall grass