- SinusitisAllergies and asthma have become the most common chronic illness in children in modern societies. In fact, the number of children in the United States with asthma and chronic sinusitis has increased approximately 89% in the last fifteen years. The reasons for this are not clear, but fortunately, good treatments exist if symptoms are recognized. So get your child off to a great new year, don't delay in investigating your child's symptoms if they seem to interfere with school performance. Your child, and you, will feel better in control of allergies instead of allergies controlling you.
- Ear Infections
- Bronchitis
- ImmunizationsFirst and foremost, allergen and irritant avoidance measures are encouraged, medications for nasal and ocular symptoms are used such as antihistamines, eye drops, and nasal sprays - and, if needed, inhalers or oral medications for asthma. Many children will benefit from allergy vaccinations also known as immunotherapy, or allergy shots, to control their symptoms. It is the only treatment known to offer long lasting remission from allergic disorders. Recently, immunotherapy has even been shown to actually prevent the development of new sensitivities to other allergens and, more importantly, to prevent the development of asthma.
- EczemaAllergy is an abnormal or increased sensitivity to something that normally shouldn’t cause any reaction. The substance your are reacting to is called an allergen. In most people, the body’s immune system recognizes allergens as harmless, and deals with them without you even being aware of them. In the allergic person the immune system malfunctions and “over reacts” to the allergen as if it were dangerous to the body. The reaction results in the symptoms we associate with allergies including hay fever, hives, eczema and asthma.
- Rashes
- AllergiesPerennial allergic rhinitis, year round symptoms of nasal congestion, drainage, cough or constant cold like symptoms, are usually due to dust mite, indoor mold, cockroach or animal sensitivities. Other symptoms can include snoring, mouth breathing, fatigue, sore throats, constant throat clearing, and hoarseness. Some children suffer from the complications of untreated allergies including recurring ear and sinus infections and asthma. If the history suggests asthma (such as coughing, wheezing, chest tightness, or shortness of breath at night, on first awakening, or with exercise, allergen exposure or viral respiratory infections) a breathing test called spirometry or a peak expiratory flow may be measured. Allergy testing today can be accomplished with a relatively painless (honestly) method of skin testing called prick tests. Through a drop of allergen placed on the skin and without drawing blood, a tiny nick on the surface of the skin is introduced by a sharp lancet. In fifteen minutes, if allergic antibody is present, a small allergic reaction or hive will form indicating a positive test. The number of tests and allergens tested depends upon the child's symptoms and exposures. Based upon the child's symptoms, past response to medications, and allergic sensitivities, a treatment plan is developed.