- SinusitisAntihistamines, nasal steroid sprays, saline washes and oral steroids all provide long-term relief. More permanent solutions such as immunotherapy (allergy shots) or surgery can bring relief to those suffering from chronic sinusitis. Contact ENT of Georgia North for more information or to schedule an appointment.
- Medical Weight Loss
- Pediatric Care
- Ear InfectionsIn addition to pain and discomfort, a middle ear infection can cause tiny air cells in the mastoid bone to fill up with pus. As the infection spreads, potentially reaching the brain, the bone is destroyed, resulting in hearing loss. If antibiotics are unsuccessful in clearing up the infection, then mastoid surgery may be needed. Â
- Sleep DisordersSleep is vital for good health. Experts recommend a minimum of seven to eight hours of sleep per night for most adults; a lack of sleep can affect your hormone levels, mood, weight and work or school performance and may result in physical, mental, social and emotional problems. Reaching that goal is difficult for many, thanks to the growing prevalence of sleep disorders.
- ImmunizationsYou can’t always stave off an ear infection, but there are steps you can take to reduce the chances of your child developing one. These include breast-feeding your baby, making sure they are up-to-date on vaccinations, practicing good hygiene (e.g., regular hand-washing), keeping your child away from tobacco smoke, and enrolling them in as small a day care or preschool facility as possible. Simply put, fewer children mean fewer germs. Contact ENT of Georgia North for more information or to schedule an appointment.
- GlaucomaDecongestants may increase anxiety or cause sleeping difficulty. If you have a medical condition such as glaucoma, high blood pressure, heart disease, thyroid disorder, diabetes or enlarged prostate, consult with a doctor before using. Common decongestants include...
- Pregnancy
- EndoscopyYour doctor will diagnose non-allergic rhinitis based on your symptoms and medical history, and will want to rule out an allergic cause through skin and blood tests. Sinus problems present similar symptoms, so you may also need a nasal endoscopy or CT scan to rule out nasal polyps or a deviated septum.
- Anxiety
- Diabetes Care
- ThyroidHead and Neck. This includes treatment for thyroid disorders, lumps in the neck and cancer of the voice box.
- Thyroid CancerWhen certain conditions interfere with normal thyroid production, surgical removal of the thyroid gland is performed. This is usually done when thyroid cancer has been detected, an otherwise benign thyroid nodule grows so large it causes problems or hyperthyroidism (a disorder in which excess thyroid hormone is produced) does not respond to treatment with medications or radioactive iodine, though this is rare.
- MRIYour otolaryngologist can diagnose an acoustic neuroma primarily through a review of your symptoms in conjunction with a hearing test and imaging scans (CT or MRI). Because growth of the tumor is usually very slow, many times your doctor will simply want to monitor the tumor’s progress over time, especially when few symptoms are present. Regular imaging tests every six to 12 months can track any growth.
- X-Rays
- Computed TomographyTo confirm a nasal fracture, your doctor will perform a physical exam. He or she will press on the sides of your nose and look inside your nostrils for signs of broken bones. Topical anesthetics may be applied before the physical exam to control the pain. An imaging test is usually unnecessary, but based on the severity of your injury a CT scan may be required if a physical exam is too painful to be performed.
- ChemotherapyTreatments are determined by the cause of the mass. Benign neck cysts and masses are usually removed by surgical excision. Head and neck cancers may be treated by some combination of radiation therapy, chemotherapy and surgery, depending on their nature. Contact ENT of Georgia North for more information or to schedule an appointment.
- Radiation TherapyThere are many other possible causes including Alzheimer’s disease, brain tumor, aneurysm, diabetes, cocaine use, chemical exposure, malnutrition, hormonal imbalances, medications, Parkinson’s disease, rhinoplasty, radiation therapy and old age, among others.
- Ear SurgeryIt isn’t always known what causes these calcium deposits to break loose, though this is commonly the result of a head injury, inner ear infection, damage from ear surgery or prolonged back position associated with bed rest. Migraines might also play a role. Older patients are susceptible to degeneration of the otolithic membrane related to normal aging.
- OtolaryngologyEar, Nose and Throat of Georgia is a group of Board Certified Otolaryngology specialists & Audiologists dedicated to providing a comprehensive range of high quality ear, nose & throat care. Our providers have been serving the Greater Metro Atlanta area for over 20 years. We treat patients from infancy to adulthood using the latest treatments & technologies to ensure the highest quality of care.
- Reconstructive Surgery
- LiposuctionCoblation palatoplasty is a surgical procedure used to treat snoring and mild cases of obstructive sleep apnea. It is similar in concept to liposuction, and involves reducing the size and thickness of the soft palate and uvula.
- Rhinoplasty
- Skin CancerSecondary cancers are tumors that have spread from primary tumors in other parts of the body to the head or neck. Most often, secondary tumors of the neck originate in the lung, breast, kidney or from skin cancers (squamous cell carcinoma or melanoma).
- Cyst
- EczemaWhen water becomes trapped in the ear, bacteria can cause inflammation and infection of the ear canal. This painful affliction is known as swimmer’s ear and can occur following exposure to any moist environment. It is most common in children and teenagers, individuals with eczema and anybody with excess earwax.
- LesionsThis can be caused by a number of factors including colds and viral infections, allergies, misuse of the voice, bacterial infections, acid reflux, sinus infections, vocal cord lesions and smoking. A certain degree of hoarseness is common as we age.
- PsoriasisAny cut in the skin of the ear canal can increase the risk, as will coming into contact with water that is polluted or contains excess bacteria. Despite the name, water exposure isn’t the only method of contraction; anything that damages the protective film of the ear canal, such as cotton swabs, chemicals found in hairspray or hair dyes, can be a cause. Skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis and seborrhea may also contribute.
- AllergiesRhinitis is similar to hay fever, but is caused by something other than an allergen. Dubbed non-allergic rhinitis to differentiate the two, it produces cold-like symptoms that can leave you feeling miserable and worn-down. It may take allergy testing to rule out hay fever and accurately diagnose non-allergic rhinitis.