- Arthritis
- FibromyalgiaWe treat all medical conditions and can provide both individual and family health care. Among the most common ailments we treat are allergies, chronic pain, digestive issues, hormonal imbalances, obesity, respiratory conditions, heart disease, fertility problems, menopause, adrenal fatigue, cancer, fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue syndrome.
- Sinusitis
- Nutritional Counseling
- Primary CareIf you are not getting better under the “pharmaceutical” medical model of today, come see one of our doctors at Windrose Clinic. Daily, people with all kinds of issues, illnesses, & conditions come through our doors to get results.
- Ear InfectionsContra-indications for HBOT may include patients who are claustrophobic, have an un-treated pneumothorax, ear infections, sinus congestion, on certain chemotherapy agents or on other medications such as suflamylon R or Antabase R. Please tell your doctor if you are fitting any of these conditions before starting HBOT.
- Family Practice
- Pneumonia
- GastroenterologySamantha (“Sammie”) was born and raised in Spokane, Washington. She graduated nursing school from Spokane Community Colleges in 2010, then continued her education to earn a Bachelors in Science of Nursing through Washington State University. She has previous nursing experience in neuroscience, surgery, and interventional gastroenterology.
- Lung CancerIridology, or Iris Diagnosis, is a way to look at the fibers of the eyes and determine weakness, ulceration, or inflammation of organ tissues. This is an old technique that is often misunderstood. A practitioner cannot diagnose a disease such as lung cancer by looking in someone’s eyes. However, what can be seen is an inflammatory process or irritation in that area in the iris which corresponds to the lung tissue of the body. There are areas of the iris (the colored part of the eye)which correspond to the different parts of the body. For example: by seeing loose or gapping iris fibers in the liver area it is then determined that there is liver irritation or inflammation. By identifying weak areas of the metabolism a treatment protocol can be developed for each individual person based upontheir needs. Both doctors at Windorose Clinic perform this important diagnostic analysis.
- Multiple SclerosisIt is well known that without adequate oxygen reaching injured tissues, no wound can heal. In many instances, providing increased oxygen under pressure can assist in the control of disease, such as Multiple Sclerosis and Lyme Disease, if not the cure.
- Chemotherapy
- GangreneWith an acute condition such as pneumonia, sports injury, or a cold, many symptoms reverse after the second treatment. If the condition is chronic, such as fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, gangrene, or stroke recovery, a series of HBOT treatments are needed before symptoms disappear the body can regenerate.
- PsoriasisThis simplistic therapy utilizing alternating hot and cold towel application to the chest and to the back with a series of sine wave or diathermy current is utilized for acute infections such as sinusitis, whooping cough, pneumonia as well as chronic conditions such as asthma, psoriasis, irritable bowel, Crohn’s disease, or arthritis.
- Physical TherapyLong standing conditions such as dislocated hips, frozen shoulders, or misplaced temporal mandibular joints of the jaw have been quickly corrected without long hours of physical therapy or surgery. For more information on Bowen Manipulation you many contact the international Bowen association on-line at www.Bowtech.com.
- Ankle SprainDr. Letitia Dick learned the Bowen Technique from Dr. Oswald Rentsch of Australia. This manipulation is a gentle maneuver of the muscles and tendons at particular acupuncture points which allows blood flow to normalize in injured tissue. When this is performed, the body can realign itself and more readily heal an injury. The quicker a Bowen manipulation can be accomplished following an injury the more dramatic the result. For example, a sprained ankle can be corrected with Bowen immediately. There will be little or no swelling or pain within 15 minutes of the adjustment and the person can then walk normally. This is a normal result of Bowen therapy.
- Allergies