- Teeth Cleaning– After periodontal therapy, you’ll begin a maintenance program to ensure that your gums remain healthy. This program typically includes regular dental cleanings, but your plan will be customized to your unique needs.
- Fillings
- Crowns– Crown lengthening is a procedure that removes excess gum tissue, either for cosmetic reasons or to allow for a better fitting crown or filling.
- Deep Cleaning– This non-surgical procedure is often our first defense against mild periodontal disease. Sometimes known as deep cleaning, scaling and root planing can reverse gum disease in many patients.
- Dentures
- Dental ImplantsMichael C. Cabassa, DDS, MS has been setting the highest standards of excellence in periodontics and implant surgery since 2000. He earned his BS degree at Fordham University and his Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from Stony Brook School of Dental Medicine in NY. Dr. Cabassa completed a residency in periodontics at the National Naval Dental Center in Bethesda, Maryland. He is currently a Captain in the US Navy Reserves and is assigned to the 4th Dental Battalion, U.S. Marine Corps. Learn More about Dr. Cabassa
- Oral Surgery
- Tooth Extractions– Periodontists have a keen understanding of the support structures that hold teeth in place, so there’s no one better to perform a dental extraction. As a dental implant specialist, Dr. Cabassa can also replace your extracted tooth with an implant.
- Bone Grafting