- HeadachesIf you have not yet been seen at the Kitaj Headache Center there are both both informational forms and forms that must be filled out by all new patients.
- Arthritis
- FibromyalgiaQ: The first question patients with fibromyalgia ask is “ Do you think fibromyalgia is psychological or biological? Both sides of the argument ”
- RheumatologyAmerican College of Rheumatology, in 2010, has defined fibromyalgia as symptoms present for 3 or more months and absence of another disorder that would explain the pain.
- Primary CareShe frequently lectures to primary care physicians, internists, obstetrician/gynecologists and neurologists on how to treat headaches with a combination of traditional medicine and alternative medicine, discussing the scientific evidence both pro and con on traditional vs. alternative styles of treatments for headaches.
- Sleep DisordersWe know that thyroid disorders, sleep disorders, infectious diseases (e.g. HIV), anxiety, neurofibromatosis, lead poisoning, and Central nervous system toxins can cause ADHD symptoms. Testing can include an EEG, HIV testing, Lyme testing, lead testing, genetic testing, sleep study, thyroid testing, psychosocial stressors, and evaluation of cognition and memory.
- Infectious Diseases
- Pelvic Pain
- Internal Medicine
- NeurologyAt the same, I have been reading and going to doctor lectures on how nutrition can change brain health. I have made these food changes for myself and my own family. Now I am opening up a new option for my patients == I am going to combine my knowledge of neurology with my knowledge of brain/spine/nerve nutrition - treating inflammatory chronic back, arms, leg pain, treating headaches and neck pain, treating attention deficit, treating grown children of parents with dementia who are concerned they will inherit dementia and want to prevent dementia.
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)I treat ADD/ADHD. Throughout this website ADHD will be used for inattentive and hyperactive types. I see parents come in to the office and say they don’t want their kids on stimulants, but they want me to do something to fix the problem. The younger kid is running around too much, the older kid is disrespectful, can’t focus in class, has low grades, can’t finish homework or
- Depression
- Psychiatry
- Insomnia
- Anxiety
- HypothyroidismGrowth Hormone Deficit - Growth hormone was low in fibromyalgia patients (Bennett 1992). Symptoms are deconditioning, labile mood, fatigue, obesity Hypothyroidism (can have tenderness over tender point areas, along with other areas)
- Thyroid
- MRIRESEARCH: As per Vaidya ( Am J Psych, 2005), Functional MRI indicates that the frontal lobes and striatal regions have reduced metabolism in boys with ADHD. Boys with ADHD were not able to fully activate the caudate nucleus. Methylphenidate enhances activity of these hypoactive regions in boys with ADHD, but not healthy boys in Vaidya’s research.
- Physical TherapySo many patients say, “I already exercise” but when I examine their neck and scalp muscle spasms, I see the exercises are NOT the right ones to help their neck pain or headaches. I am going to show you how to check if the exercising you are doing is actually the best way to reduce your headaches, or neck/back pain or if this exercise is NOT the right type. So often, when I refer a patient to physical therapy they come back and say that this was a waste of money and did not reduce their pain. I have seen patients gain the most help from exercise when I have the extra time to spend with them to go over each exercise and find the ones that actually make a lasting difference.
- Neck Pain
- Back Pain
- Allergies