- Tax PlanningTaxes:  Our areas of involvement in taxes include, in addition to income tax planning and income tax return preparation, planning and preparation work for estate and gift taxes, payroll taxes and property taxes for all types of entities and for many varied industries.  Among our areas of concentration are real estate, oil and gas, farming, health care, retailing, construction, and investments.
- Estate Taxes
- Tax Services
- Income Tax
- Tax Return Preparation
- Business Tax Return Preparation
- Accounting ServicesThe firm renders services in the areas of accounting and auditing, tax, bookkeeping and consulting.  We do not operate in departments, which is to say that both partners and staff members have the opportunity to continuously work in a variety of service areas. Over time, with guidance from the firm, our professionals typically develop expertise in areas of special interest and competence (by industry and subject). Our firm then is comprised of practitioners that have a wide variety of experience and practical knowledge among which many also possess particular expertise in an area or areas. Although this structure can be challenging at times we believe it provides our clients with excellence and our professionals with rewarding careers Â
- Payroll Services
- Bookkeeping Services
- Financial PlanningConsulting Services:  Engagements in this area often grow out of work in other areas and include assistance with the design and monitoring of accounting systems and controls, development of detailed office systems and procedures, assistance in recruiting accounting and bookkeeping personnel, analysis of alternative investment decisions, analysis of purchase or sale of a business, personal financial planning and design, installation of computer systems, and operation of employee compensation and benefit plans. We are also active in providing litigation support services to attorneys.
- Retirement Planning
- Asset Management
- College Funding