- Dental Examination
- X-rays
- FillingsWe follow the approved protocol for removing mercury amalgam fillings, established by the International Academy of Oral Medicine. In addition to a protective rubber dam, we use a HEPA filter vacuum that draws the amalgam and toxic vapors away during the drilling and removal process.
- CrownsGiven the many new choices of dental materials available, we offer a variety of mercury-free options for fillings, crowns, and inlays. As older mercury amalgam fillings become worn out, we can replace them with less toxic materials that are bio-compatible for the patient. These materials can also be matched to the teeth in color, so they look much more natural.
- Root Canal Treatment
- Dentures
- Dental Implants
- Orthodontics
- Invisalign Orthodontics
- Teeth Whitening
- Cosmetic Dentistry