- AntsSo, if you see ants, put one or two lightly on a piece of tape or in a plastic bag for TEAM to identify properly. Call TEAM quickly and we’ll visit you to solve all your pest control needs.
- TermitesThe Eastern subterranean termite is responsible for an estimated $2 billion spent annually. The wood-consuming termites nest underground but have an extensive foraging system which they use to locate cellulose materials above ground and in the soil. These termites readily construct galleries in soil and wood. When moving, termites build earthen runways (shelter tubes) using soil to hide from predators, light and the drying effects of air.
- Bed BugsBed bugs are fairly cosmopolitan and are enjoying are resurgence in popularity while people are freaking out at their presence. Bed bugs strictly feed on blood preferably human. They can crawl for distances and hide in cracks. In human dwellings, initial bed bug infestations are typically found in the tufts, seams and folds of mattresses, box springs, and day bedcovers. If allowed to multiply, the bed bugs spread to cracks and crevices in wooden bed stands or interiors of metal or brass bedstands. They also establish themselves behind baseboards, window and door casings, pictures and picture molding, in other pieces of furniture, cracks in plaster and behind loose wallpaper. Bed bugs are usually spread from one place to another by eggs attached to (or by the bugs themselves) clothing or luggage of travelers and visitors, second-hand beds or parts thereof, used furniture or other items brought in where bed bugs hide. Bed bugs are small, wingless, brownish-red, flat, tick-like insects visible to the naked eye.
- CockroachesA: Not necessarily! One cockroach could have entered in a grocery bag or a box. To be safe, call TEAM and we'll assess the situation and propose a realistic approach.
- BeesA: Probably not. Many insects produce sawdust--carpenter ants, carpenter bees, powderpost beetles, even gnawing mice. Sawdust fragments can be analyzed to determine the culprit. Call TEAM for a free inspection.
- Wasps
- MosquitoesMosquitoes are becoming a larger problem with the mild, wet winters we’ve been having. In order to be prepared, I thought a few common sense tips would be helpful.
- Beetles
- HornetsMore summer outings are interrupted by these buggers than any other pest. Yellow jackets and bald-faced hornets are particularly aggressive and potentially dangerous especially when near their nest. These insects are social builders of paper-like nests in the ground, in wall voids behind siding or in trees or shrubs. The several thousand workers forage for food throughout the summer months to care for the larvae. Feeding on meat…from carcasses, garbage or picnic table food…to sugars from fruit, beer, and sweet beverages at picnic sites make them particularly annoying to humans. Treatment for these unpredictable, stinging insects requires a dust injected into the entrance of the nest.
- Yellowjackets
- Stinging Insects
- BirdsWhat to do? Call TEAM! Most bird remediation relies on exclusion techniques. We do not want to hurt the birds. We just want to get them away from your property. Bird prevention tools include bird spikes that deter roosting, netting that prevents nesting and metal flashing to prevent pecking. We only use professional grade products that do not harm the birds. Exclusion is our primary goal. Fecal removal is also offered to sanitize your property. So, call TEAM for all your bird problems. No job is too big, or too small! Call today!
- WoodpeckersThey all look really cute until they're nesting in your house, defecating on your walkway or making noise while you try to sleep. Pigeons, starlings, sparrows, gulls, geese, woodpeckers and other birds can become a nuisance in your home or business. Droppings are unsightly, and possibly carry dangerous diseases. Nests are often found inside a structure, where the mother birds are nursing chirping young. Woodpeckers are rattling you awake at dawn by pecking on your siding. Now, they're not so cute.
- Sparrows
- Starlings
- Gulls
- Pigeons
- RodentsMice are hardy, tough, inquisitive and resilient making them the most numerous and widespread mammal on earth and the number one rodent pest. They are small, slender, weighing up to 1 ounce, with a dark to light gray body, naked tail and large ears. They live about one year and are very prolific, producing 4-7 pups per litter and having about 8 litters in a lifetime with a gestation period of 19 days. Mice are nibblers and feed mainly at night in preferred-protected feeding sites like corners or tight places. Visible droppings look like black grains of rice and are an indication of feeding sites. Rodent control is difficult and time-consuming.
- MiceA: There are openings that mice and rats can squeeze into. Mice can fit into anything the size of a dime. Rats can squeeze into anything the size of a nickel. So check your exterior for openings and plug or seal them ASAP. If you want us to come over and check, just call TEAM.
- RatsWho likes rats? Not anyone we know. No one wants rats around their home or building. The Norway Rat was introduced by the European settlers around 1775. It is large, stocky, has brownish fur, light underbelly, small ears, blunt nose and a naked tail. They breed all year long with 4-7 litters of 8-12 pups per litter. They are social, nocturnal and very shy to newness in their environment. This creature requires lengthy control strategies, inspection, sanitation, exclusion and trapping.