- Sex CrimesObtain the proper abuse or molestation coverage to protect the church in the event of an allegation arises. In addition, consider having a written document to address how to prevent sexual abuse from happening and what to do in the event of an allegation.
- Theft
- Identity TheftOf course, there are other unique risks to consider, as well. Household help (such as nannies or landscaping crews), identity theft, international travel, and more all have specialized insurance solutions to protect your wealth.
- ForgeryCrime and fidelity coverage is designed to provide coverage for employee dishonesty, forgery and alteration, computer fraud, counterfeiting, and more.
- ExtortionCyber liability coverage covers unauthorized access to electronic data or software within your network. It also provides coverage for spreading a virus, computer theft, extortion, or any unintentional act, mistake, error, or omission made by an employee. This coverage is quickly becoming more and more important as you embrace technology to help run your businesses.
- Hit and RunUninsured/underinsured motorist damage coverage may compensate you for bodily injury and lost wages caused by an uninsured motorist, a hit-and-run driver, a driver whose automobile insurance company is insolvent, or a driver who has not purchased enough coverage to pay for damages.
- Workers CompensationAre you about to hire your next workers' compensation claim? In an effort to get a position filled quickly, you may take shortcuts that could cost you thousands of dollars.
- Wrongful TerminationThere are risks associated with employing domestic staff in your home. Employees can become injured on the job, leaving you to pay out-of-pocket for their medical expenses. Additionally, staff can sue for wrongful termination, privacy issues, discrimination, and harassment claims.
- Sexual HarassmentSimilar to directors and officers liability insurance, professional liability coverage protects against liabilities resulting from mismanagement of the organization, as well as workplace-related claims such as discrimination or sexual harassment. It covers not only directors and officers, but also staff, volunteers, and the non-profit organization itself.
- Property DamageImagine if your house caught on fire. Not only would you lose your home, but you’d also be burdened financially and emotionally. Without adequate home insurance, you would be left with no way of raising the funds to pay off the balance of the mortgage. Of course, home insurance may also protect you from more common things like pipe leaks and property damage. Because even small issues can add up, and having coverage can help you protect your biggest investment.
- Personal InjuryMedical payments coverage or Personal Injury Protection, depending on where you live, can help cover some medical expenses and funeral expenses of covered drivers and passengers after an accident. The exact requirements, limits, and coverage can vary by state, so it's important to understand what's required where you live.
- Auto Accidents
- Bankruptcy