- Osteoporosis
- Headaches
- Arthritis
- FibromyalgiaWe get to the Root to your problem, through our thorough and comprehensive approach Learn how we successfully treat Depression, autoimmune disorders, fibromyalgia and many other chronic disorders…
- Sinusitis
- Medical Weight LossDuring the last 30 years, I have helped countless patients deal with a wide variety of health issues. For example, I often help patients to overcome Type 2 diabetes, or lower their blood pressure, or improve their heart health so as to avoid stroke and heart disease. I also help many patients with weight loss and weight maintenance – we have dramatically effective programs specific to that purpose.
- RheumatologyShe has served on the faculty of the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine as an Associate Professor of Rheumatology and Geriatrics, and she has presented workshops at both Bastyr University in Seattle, WA and her alma mater in Portland, OR.
- Nutritional Counseling
- Sleep DisordersSleep disorders and stress are other examples of common conditions that I constantly address in my practice, and they often are closely related. We cannot be healthy unless we know how to rest. While I may not be able to do anything to reduce the causes of your stress, I can definitely help you improve the coping mechanisms that your body and mind naturally possess and that can make a big difference to your life.
- Infectious DiseasesIdentifies genetic single nucleotide polymorphisms associated with increased risk of developing defects in immune competence and surveillance. Risk factors include altered interleukin production and activity within the body and increased production of other cytokines like tissue necrosis factor alpha that may lead to conditions characterized by chronically up-regulated inflammatory response. Immunologic polymorphisms have been associated with increased risk of asthma, atopy, osteopenia, heart disease, and infectious diseases.
- Irritable Bowel SyndromeUntil I saw Dr. Ruth Bar-Shalom for treatment of severe irritable bowel syndrome and other health issues, I had little quality of life. I had sought help for over 15 years from my family physician and more recently from a specialist (gastroenterologist) and was told that all looked normal; that I probably had an intoleranceto a food(s). I would have to live with the symptoms for the rest of my life. That response from western medicine prompted me to seek the help from a naturopathic doctor. After the first two weeks of treatment, I began noticing improvements. Now, after four months of treatment, I am enjoying quality of life once again! I am no longer experiencing excessive amounts of hair loss; have clarity of thinking; have energy and muscle’strength; regained my libido; have improved quality of sleep; am successfully managing depression; and more. Instead oftreating symptoms, Dr. Ruth has treated the causes of my illness. I am so indebted to Dr. Ruth forreturning quality of life to me. I regret that I did not seek her help much sooner.”
- Bronchitis
- Pneumonia
- Female Infertility
- EndometriosisFemale Hormone Profile analyzes eleven saliva samples over a 28-day period for the levels of estradiol, progesterone, and testosterone, providing clues about menstrual irregularities, infertility, endometriosis, breast cancer, and osteoporosis.
- Kidney Stones
- Cancer Care
- Epilepsy
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)If you choose to work with us we will help to regain vitality as we have with thousands of others. We have consistently seen the evidence and received feedback from patients who have had their expectations not only met, but exceeded. Our personal experience, as well as increasing research, has demonstrated success in the treatment of innumerable conditions, always addressing immune system enhancement (colds to cancer), improving digestion and respiration, and significant progress with hormonal balancing, nerve disorders, ADHD, anxiety and depression.
- Depression
- Insomnia
- Anxiety
- Diabetes Care
- Endocrinology
- Thyroid
- UltrasoundThe Holistic Medical Center can provide access to all diagnostic imaging services, including full body MRI, CAT Scans and Ultrasound, Mammograms and all other diagnostic radiology tests.
- Radiology
- Acne Treatment
- Eczema
- Shoulder Pain
- Back Pain
- Allergies