Gotcha Certified Process Servers
Photos and Videos
We Serve You By Serving Them. If you need a Process Server, you’ve come to the right place. Gotcha Certified serves process locally and nationwide.
- Regular Hours:
Mon - Sun - Categories
- Delivery Service, Courier & Delivery Service, Legal Document Assistance, Medical Records Service, Process Servers
- Services / Products
- •Standard •Rush •Skip Trace •Free Online Status Check •Unlimited Attempts •Return of service always provided •Case filing •Copy Requests •Records Search
- Payment Options
- Brands
- rush
- Location
- Serving Seminole, Orange, and Volusia counties.
- Languages
- English, Spanish
Seminole County Process Servers
General Info
Gotcha Certified Process Servers offer local service of process throughout Central Florida. Our local service areas include Orange, Seminole and Volusia counties. We offer reasonable rates for routine, rush, emergency and scheduled services. Please contact us for rates. Gotcha Certified also has access to a network of licensed process servers worldwide to handle any paper in any state or any country. Whether it’s a subpoena, summons and complaint or other civil process need, we understand how important it is to get your service of process done right and expediently. As an online attorney service, we use intelligent technology and expert document specialists to monitor and send you regular updates of your process serving order until you receive your Proof of Service. What’s more, our process servers are registered, experienced and understand state court laws to ensure a proper serve – anywhere you utilize our process servers within the U.S. Hiring a professional process server will save you time and frustration, and it is beneficial to the outcome of your legal matter. Some states only require that the person serving the legal documents be at least 18 years old and not a party to the case, but if the person you get to serve the documents operates outside the boundaries of the law, your case could be jeopardized.