- Divorce
- Child Custody and Visitation
- Adoption
- Criminal DefenseThe SCCBA Criminal Law Section is a substantive law group designed to assist attorneys in the practice area by providing networking opportunities and by meeting continuing legal education and professional development needs and mandatory continuing legal education requirements by offering at least two seminars each year in that substantive practice area.
- Corporate LawThe Conference of Delegates is statewide organization of delegations represented by local and specialty bar associations endeavoring to refine and improve California law. The Conference of Delegates takes up issues within a variety of legal disciplines including family law, criminal, probate, real estate, labor, corporate law, as well as civil procedure and rules of court. Proposed changes submitted by delegations across the state are debated each fall at the annual conference. Resolutions approved by the Conference are then submitted to the California Legislature for enactment and become the subject of lobbying efforts by the Conference of Delegates' representatives.
- Business DisputesThe SCCBA Real Property Section is a substantive law group designed to assist attorneys in the practice area by providing networking opportunities and by meeting continuing legal education and professional development needs and mandatory continuing legal education requirements by offering at several seminars each year in those substantive practice areas, including an annual review of the statutory and case law changes to real estate and business law during the previous year. This Section often partners with other Bar Associations in the region, expanding its reach and nurturing professional relationships on a regional basis.
- Business TransactionsA lawyer should ensure that all business transactions and agreements are negotiated, documented, and consummated in an atmosphere of cooperation and with informed authority of the client. Lawyers engaged in a transactional practice have unique responsibilities, as much of the practice is conducted without judicial supervision.
- Wrongful TerminationHe is a seasoned trial attorney prosecuting and defending wrongful termination, harassment, discrimination, breach of contract, and wage-hour cases. Mr. Schramm has achieved consistently favorable results both from trials, and in arbitration and mediation. He has argued cases before both federal and state Appellate Courts, as well as more than 15 different federal and state agencies. As an experienced employment law attorney, Mr. Schramm has been designated an expert witness before three federal courts and one state court on issues involving gender discrimination and attorney-client fee disputes.
- Landlord-Tenant Disputes
- Property Damage
- Personal InjuryPrior to joining Davis, Bengtson & Young, Mr. MacLeod was a Senior Counsel with the firm of Willoughby, Stuart, Bening and Cook for over 19 years until the firm closed its doors on December 31, 2021. He has also been employed by Farmers Insurance when he defended Farmers’ insureds against major personal injury and property damage claims, and as an associate with the firm of Gassett, Perry & Frank in San Jose.
- Trusts
- Probate
- Bankruptcy