- Aromatherapy Massage
- Electrical Muscle Stimulation
- Chiropractic AdjustmentsTreatments consist of both the actual chiropractic adjustment and soft tissue modalities to help the body support the adjustment.
- Nutritional ConsultationI have been receiving treatments from Dr. Ross for more than 10 years. I cannot say enough about the health benefits I have received from acupuncture, chiropractic adjustments, natural supplements, nutritional counseling and aromatherapy; all from Dr. Ross’ Tree of Life Center.
- SubluxationYou may also hear the term “subluxation”, which refers to improperly aligned vertebrae. The method used to realign the spine we call a chiropractic adjustment. The adjustment gently restores proper alignment to the joints of the spine.
- Manipulation Therapy
- AcupunctureBy 1991, Dr. Ross began her study of western herbs in San Diego at the Self Heal School of Herbal Studies where she also studied with internationally known herbalist Amanda McQuade Crawford. Dr. Ross became increasingly inspired while observing the interrelationship between chiropractic care, herbs and acupuncture on the healing process.