- Dental ExaminationCREDENTIALS. Dental implantology credentialling is undoubtedly the single most valuable measure of a dentist’s qualification and expertise in the field of dental implantology. Dental Implantology credentialing is offered mainly by 2 organizations. The first and most credible organization is American Academy of Implant Dentistry (AAID) which offers Associate Fellowship and Fellowship. The credentialing process of AAID is quite challenging and requires the candidates to demonstrate extensive education, training, and skill in the field of dental implantology to qualify. Additionally, the candidates are required to successfully pass written and oral examinations and present several dental implant cases. Overall, it is an extremely intensive process which assures only the best and most qualified candidates are awarded the credentials.
- X-rays
- Fillings
- VeneersThis smile was transformed by Dr. Khazian, using porcelain veneers on 10 upper front teeth. This young woman was not willing to go through 2 years of orthodontic treatment and chose to have instant cosmetic veneers which created this beautiful smile in 2 weeks.
- CrownsMy treatment plan was extensive, requiring several visits and time between visits to complete. I continued to be impressed by your attention to detail and how nothing but perfection was acceptable. This was especially exhibited with my front crowns. Each visit was very relaxed and your constant attention to my pain or needs was a great comfort. With the aid of your very professional staff, my experiences at your office were easy and stress-free.
- BridgesIt is also possible to use dental implants to support a porcelain bridge. For example 2 implants may hold a 3 tooth bridge, or 3 implants may hold a 5 tooth bridge.
- Restorative Dentistry
- Root Canal TreatmentBridges are not able to maintain the integrity of jaw bone, and replacing teeth with bridges is no longer the best option or even an acceptable one. There are many problems associated with bridges. Bridges are anchored to adjacent natural teeth (abutment teeth) and in the process of making them, those teeth are drilled to almost half the size, which obviously makes them weak. So often, abutment teeth become sensitive or develop decay, and may require root canal treatment. Bridges fail due to weakness and decay of the abutment teeth. This result in more tooth loss. So we can only consider bridges as a temporary solution for tooth loss.
- DenturesDentures are also associated with numerous problems. They are bulky, and unstable in the mouth. Because they constantly move during chewing, they are inefficient in masticating solid foods. People using dentures are forced to limit their diet to soft food. They avoid vegetables, fruits, nuts, meat and other essential nutrients that are important for their health and well being. This results in systemic disorders such as digestive and cardiovascular disease.
- OverdenturesOVERDENTURE. This option is ideal if you have dentures that are loose and unstable, but otherwise they look fine. With as few as 2 or 4 implants in each arch, your dentures become stable. This will significantly improve the chewing function and eliminate slipping. It will also improve speaking.
- Dental ImplantsIf you have one missing tooth, or a tooth that should be removed, your best and most natural option is a dental implant. Dental implants replace the lost tooth so perfectly that the new tooth looks, feels, and functions like a natural tooth.Quite often it is possible to replace a tooth, using a flapless procedure and an immediate load dental implant. This means, no stitches, and a tooth is placed on the implant right after surgery. This flapless procedure ensures the most esthetic result and creates gum tissue around the dental implant that resembles that of natural teeth.
- Oral Surgery
- Gum SurgeryPorcelain veneers are a quick and pain-free treatment to correct spaced, misaligned, chipped, and discolored teeth. This smile was enhanced, using 6 veneers. Excessive show of gum was corrected by plastic gum surgery
- Tooth Extractions
- Bone GraftingDental Implantology treatment consists of 2 phases: The Surgical phase and the Restorative phase. The Surgical phase involves extractions of defective teeth, necessary bone grafting, and placement of dental implants. The restorative phase involves making teeth and incorporating them with surgically placed dental implants. Generally, patients will have smoother and less costly treatment if both phases are performed by a dentist who is trained and qualified in surgical as well as the restoratives phases. Alternatively, an oral surgeon or periodontist will perform the surgical phase of treatment and the patient is referred to a general dentist to complete the restorative phase.
- Orthodontics
- Teeth Whitening
- Cosmetic DentistryDental Implant Centers is the leading provider of comprehensive treatments for dental implants in San Diego. Dr. Khazian has been on the cutting edge of modern dentistry, and has extensive training and experience in both the surgical and restorative phases of implant dentistry, as well as cosmetic dentistry. All your treatment will be done by Dr. Khazian and his team, with no referral to other doctors. This will assure a smooth and fast treatment process, and eliminates all the confusion in dealing with 2 or 3 doctors.