- Dental ExaminationWe also provide free dental exams for local Peace Corps volunteers before they leave on their assignments. These volunteers often serve in parts of the world where there is virtually no health care available. This is no place for a dental emergency so we do our best to make sure these volunteers are in good dental health before they leave. We often send a bunch of toothbrushes with them too.
- X-raysIntraoral camera image of a healthy tooth. X-rays aren’t great for finding small cavities on the biting surface. Since dental x-rays are normally a two dimensional side view they have severe limitations when evaluating the top of a tooth. Imagine trying to play chess with the board up at eye level. You can’t tell what is behind many of the chess pieces.
- Fillings
- Resin CompositeDepending on the severity of the fractured part of the tooth, there are several treatment options. If the fractured portion is not large a composite resin (tooth colored) filling can be placed to restore the tooth’s shape and function. A larger fracture that exposes the nerve inside the tooth may require endodontic treatment (root canal) to prevent pain or future infection. After the endodontic treatment the tooth can be restored.
- CrownsThe same is true of a lost filling or crown. Even if you don’t have symptoms, the tooth has lost its support and it could easily become damaged. Pieces could break off or crumble, and you would need more extensive treatment. Often times a lost filling or a crown coming off is due to tooth decay. If you see us right away, there’s a good chance we will be able to repair the damage more easily.
- Restorative Dentistry
- Root Canal Treatment
- Cosmetic DentistryCosmetic dentistry can provide dramatic changes to your overall appearance; even the smallest procedure can boost your confidence, self-esteem, and make you want to show off your smile.