- Make A Wish$34.95a summery mix of yellow daisy chrysanthemums, purple asters and hot pink and orange carnations - arranged in a clear ginger vase and adorned with a cheerful yellow plaid bow - will make their wishes come true!
- Cotton Candy$34.95what a sweet way to celebrate the arrival of sugar and spice and everything nice! this pretty arrangement will delight any new mom or mom-to-be, that's for sure! feminine flowers fill a charming ribbon-wrapped vase. it's a beautiful thing!
- Family Gathering Centerpiece$47.95as your loved ones gather around the table, they'll bask in the warm glow of two orange taper candles surrounded by a fantastic array of fall flowers.
- Pretty Please$34.95looking for the prettiest bouquet in town? we've got the perfect all-around choice - a mix of blooms in breezy shades of pink, white, lavender and more, all tied up with a big pink bow! a great way to make someone smile.
- Garden Parade$42.95you'll want to put this colorful bouquet on your hit parade of gifts to send. bold primary colors and a perfect mix of flowers make it great for men and women of all ages. in other words, it's a perfect arrangement.
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