- DUI/DWINegligent drivers:the most common cause of automobile accidents is driver negligence. Examples of negligence include reckless driving, lack of attention, driving while tired and falling asleep at the wheel, drunk driving, driver distractions (cell phone use, text messaging, eating, adjusting stereo or other controls, personal grooming, looking at maps or other items in the car), etc.
- Wrongful DeathIn California, personal injury law provides a means of compensation for persons who are injured by the actions of another, whether those actions are intentional or the result of negligence. A wide range of accidents are covered by personal injury law, including motor vehicle collisions, slip and falls, defective products, animal attacks, unsafe conditions on another person’s property, assault and battery, wrongful death, etc. If you or a loved one has been injured by the actions of another you are entitled to compensation under the law. However, a personal injury claim is often a complex and frustrating experienced and it is essential to retain skilled legal representation. At the Spencer Law Firm, our experienced personal injury lawyers will aggressively fight for your rights and help you secure the maximum amount of compensation possible for your damages.
- Traffic ViolationsViolation of traffic laws: speeding, illegal lane changes, aggressive driving, failure to obey traffic signs or signals, passing in restricted zones, and any other violation of the California Motor Vehicle Code.
- Sex Crimes
- Theft
- AssaultIntentional wrongs are claims that require an intent by someone to do physical harm to the victim, such as assault and battery or sexual abuse. In addition to filing criminal charges, the victim may also bring a civil lawsuit against the perpetrator.
- Identity TheftA notice in 12 point bold face font stating that the report does not guarantee the accuracy or truthfulness of the information contained therein...and that information generated as the result of identity theft, including evidence of criminal activity may be inaccurately associated with the consume who is the subject of the report;
- Hit and Run
- Wrongful TerminationEmployees in the state of California have certain rights guaranteed by law. Unfortunately, many workers are either unaware of their employee rights or do not want to stir up trouble for fear of losing their jobs. Too many employers have gotten away with unfair practices against their employees. Discrimination, failure to pay overtime wages, failure to provide rest and meal breaks, and wrongful discharge are a few examples. Employers should be held accountable for the wrongs they commit against employees.
- Employment DiscriminationAge: discrimination in the workplace based on age is prohibited by the FEHA and the Federal Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA). The laws apply to employees 40 years of age and older (i.e. it is not discrimination to refuse to hire someone because they are too young).
- Employment ContractWhen the employer has “implied” that there is an employment contract, such as statements in an employee handbook that make job related promises;
- Employment LitigationThe Spencer Law Firm has successfully recovered over $120 Million on behalf of its clients for personal injury, wrongful death, unpaid wages, illegal employment practices unfair business practices and insurance bad faith. Our firm’s success is directly tied to our commitment and dedication to the interests of our clients. Our successful cases include employment class actions, consumer class actions, automobile accidents, bicycle vs. car accidents, oil field injuries, cemetery litigation, individual employment litigation for wrongful termination, discrimination, unpaid wages and meal and rest periods, unfair business practices consumer litigation and insurance bad faith. Some examples of our cases are described below...
- Sexual HarassmentIn 2017 The Spencer Law Firm won a trial on alter ego liability in Orange County Superior Court against the owner of a restaurant that declared bankruptcy in 2015 on the eve of a sexual harassment trial. The trial established the owner’s liability for the corporation. The case settled in 2018 for $5 Million on behalf of nine women.
- Personal InjuryJeffrey Spencer founded the Spencer Law Firm in 2000 with the goal of helping individuals who need legal representation in complex litigation against large corporations and insurance companies. Since that time the Spencer Law Firm has recovered over $120 Million for clients and class members in cases ranging from employment and consumer class action litigation to individual personal injury cases.
- Auto Accidents
- Bankruptcy