- Arthritis
- Pediatric CareABCD Pediatrics offers and maintains this website to provide information of a general nature about the practice and conditions requiring the services of a pediatrician. The information is provided on this website with the understanding that ABCD Pediatrics is not engaged in rendering medical or surgical advice or recommendations on this website. Any information in the publications, messages, positions, or articles on this web site should not be considered a substitute for consultation with a pediatrician to address individual medical needs. Individual facts and circumstances will determine the treatment that is most appropriate.
- Primary CareRebecca received her Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing from Malone College in 2004, and her Master of Science Nursing degree from North Park University in 2015. She has seven years of experience in pediatric primary care and has also worked in oncology, critical care and emergency medicine in the hospital setting.
- Ear InfectionsPneumococcal conjugate (Prevnar): Given at 2 months, 4 months, 6 months and 15 months. Infection with Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria can cause serious illness and death. Invasive pneumococcal disease is responsible for about 200 deaths each year among children under 5 years of age, and is the leading cause of bacterial meningitis in the U.S. (Meningitis is an infection of the covering of the brain). It causes severe diseases, including meningitis, blood infections and ear infections (ear infections have many causes, and pneumococcal vaccine is effective against only some of them). It can also lead to other health problems, including pneumonia, deafness and brain damage. The bacteria are spread from person to person through close contact; at highest risk are children under the age of two, and the infection can be hard to treat because the bacteria have become resistant to some of the drugs used to threat them.
- Family PracticeThe portal provides parents with a HIPAA secure environment in which to view and obtain private health information, and communicate with us on a variety of healthcare needs. To get started you will need a valid email address, which is what links you to your family health records, and what the system uses to identify you as the parent of a patient at the practice. If you need help registering at the new portal, or if you have any questions or concerns, please email portal@abcdpediatrics.com.
- Emergency CareThe Stone Oak practice is open from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday, and Saturdays for urgent care from 8:00 a.m. until Noon.
- Infectious DiseasesHe received his Doctor of Medicine degree from the University of Texas Medical School in Houston and completed his pediatric residency at Baylor College of Medicine. Dr. Nelson also completed a postdoctoral fellowship in Pediatric Infectious Diseases.
- Diarrhea
- Pneumonia
- ImmunizationsObtain medical records from your previous pediatrician. Contact them for a release form (a signed release will be required) and understand that there may be a charge for the service. Try to have at least an immunization record in hand or sent to us before your first visit with us.
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)Many of our patients are being treated for ADHD, a common condition that is controlled through a number of therapies, including medication. These medications are on the official list of CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES, which means that they require special attention from your doctor. It is more difficult and more costly to obtain prescriptions for these medications, and they are not yet approved for ordering through the prescription hub. You will be given special instructions concerning these medications and it is important that you follow the rules exactly to ensure that your child receives the medication appropriately. We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause; however, the rules are designed for the safety of your child.
- Vascular SurgeryMonica joined ABCD Pediatrics in September 2016 with 20 years of medical practice experience in the orthopaedic and vascular surgery specialties here in San Antonio. Her experience is in the areas of operations and office management, human resources and credentialing. Monica is a member of the Medical Group Management Association (MGMA), Texas Medical Group Management Association (TxMGMA), San Antonio Medical Group Management Association (SAMGMA) where she also served on its board. She is also a member of the Society of Human Resource Management. Her focus on the Administration team is on recruitment and retention of staff that are committed to providing the best care to our patients.
- LesionsCurrently, the risk of monkeypox infection to the public remains low. Individuals should be aware of the symptoms of monkeypox and seek medical attention if they experience new, unexplained rashes or skin lesions. Recently identified cases have involved skin lesions in the genital, groin, and anal regions that might be confused with rashes caused by common diseases such as herpes and syphilis. Other early symptoms of monkeypox include fever, chills, and swollen lymph nodes. More information here.
- Rashes
- Sports Medicine