- CryotherapyPneumatic retinopexy is an in-office procedure that involves injection of an inert gas into the vitreous cavity. This procedure is selected for retinal breaks that are found in the superior retina. The retinal break is usually treated with cryotherapy, followed by injection of the inert gas to tamponade and close the retinal break. The gas bubble is slowly reabsorbed by the body and does not need to be removed by additional procedures.
- Primary CareIf your insurance company requires pre-authorization, or a referral from your primary care physician, you will need to bring this with you
- GlaucomaDepending on the extent of the blockage, your vision may improve, worsen, or remain the same. Vein occlusions can occasionally be complicated by growth of abnormal blood vessels, which can result in bleeding into the vitreous jelly of the eye or a severe type of glaucoma called neovascular glaucoma. Careful follow up examinations may help allow early detection and treatment of these potential complications.
- OphthalmologyFollowing completion of his medical internship at St. Joseph's Hospital in Phoenix, Arizona he did his residency in Ophthalmology at the University of California, San Diego. Dr. Faber completed a combined fellowship at the Charles Retina Institute in Memphis, Tennessee specializing in Vitreoretinal Surgery and in Ocular Oncology at the University of Tennessee.
- Macular DegenerationOPH2003 - Evaluate the safety and efficacy of intravitreous administration of Zimura in subjects with GA Secondary to Dry Age-Related Macular Degeneration - Phase 2b
- Laser Eye SurgeryFor those more serious cases where abnormal vessel growth occurs, laser eye surgery may be utilized. In those rare eyes with bleeding into the vitreous that fail to respond to laser treatment, vitreous surgery may be needed to remove the blood.
- Eye ExamAn early symptom of wet AMD is that straight lines appear wavy. If you notice this condition or other changes to your vision, contact your eye care professional at once. You will need a comprehensive dilated eye exam.
- Diabetes Care
- Diabetic RetinopathyWith time, the circulation to the kidneys, the peripheral nerves, the feet, the heart, and the eyes are especially affected. If you have numbness, tingling, or loss of sensation in the feet, it is likely that you are beginning to have what is referred to as peripheral neuropathy. This means there is damage to peripheral nerves from reduced blood supply. Often when a person has neuropathy, he or she may have diabetic retinopathy as well.