- Arthritis
- ImmunizationsCertified Nursing Assistant needed for busy ophthalmic practice. Position includes coordinating post-operative patient instructions and other duties. Must be up to date with CPR and recommended vaccinations. Needs to be friendly and patient-oriented. Position is full time with benefits. Practice is open Monday through Friday. Please email your resume to jstone@theeyeinstitute.com
- GlaucomaGlaucoma is a disease of the optic nerve, which connects the eye to the brain. If the optic nerve is damaged, transmission of information to the brain is affected resulting in eventual vision loss. At The Eye Institute of Utah, our team of glaucoma specialists offer clinical and surgical treatments to battle glaucoma.
- OphthalmologyThe Eye Institute of Utah is a premier ophthalmology practice offering a comprehensive range of vision correction options and eye care services.
- Macular DegenerationMacular degeneration, or AMD, is the leading cause of vision loss and blindness in the U.S. for people over the age of 65. AMD is a devastating eye disease occurs when the macula, located in the center of the retina, deteriorates or becomes damaged. The macula allows us to read and see fine details. When it fails to work properly, vision becomes blurry. Reading the newspaper or threading a needle may become difficult or impossible. Macular degeneration is brought on by aging, smoking and sometimes heredity.
- Laser Eye SurgeryAs you research your options for LASIK laser vision correction, you will likely be taking many factors into consideration. Naturally, the overall cost of the procedure will be on that list. The good news is, LASIK can ultimately save you thousands of dollars over time. A single LASIK procedure can reduce that amount while freeing you from constant dependence on glasses and contacts and the everyday hassles associated with taking care of them. Our experienced LASIK surgeons at The Eye Institute of Utah utilize some of the latest and most advanced LASIK technology and offer a variety of payment options that can help bring the cost of treatment into your budget.
- CataractsIf you have a strong desire for greater independence from glasses or contacts, then you may want to consider an advanced intraocular lens (IOL) from one of our experienced ophthalmologists during your cataract or refractive lens exchange (RLE) surgery. There is a wide range of advanced IOLs that can help patients achieve improved vision, greatly reducing or possibly eliminating their need for corrective eye wear after surgery. Each lens option has a unique design, and may be able to improve distance, near, and intermediate vision. There are also advanced IOLs that can correct astigmatism at one distance or multiple distances. These lens options translate to greater freedom and independence for you at work, home, or wherever your hobbies and interests lead you.
- Cataract SurgeryCataracts are a very common eye condition that affect many people as they age. Luckily, cataract surgery has advanced to be highly effective, safe, and successful. We understand that cataracts can be a frustrating part of the aging process, but we’re here to help improve your vision.
- Eye ExamYou must provide proof of having had an eye exam each year following the initial procedure. Costs of annual exams are the responsibility of the patient.
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Diabetes Care
- Thyroid
- Diabetic RetinopathyResulting as a complication of diabetes, diabetic retinopathy occurs when there is damage to blood vessels in the back of the eye. Despite being one of the leading causes of blindness in the U.S., diabetic retinopathy often shows no symptoms in the early stages of the condition. It’s important for diabetic patients to have regular annual eye exams in order to detect, prevent and treat diabetic retinopathy as early as possible. Diabetics should take extra care to maintain healthy blood sugar levels, pay attention to any changes in vision, and habitually see an ophthalmologist every year. Our Salt Lake City eye doctors here at The Eye Institute of Utah regularly perform diabetic eye exams and help work with patients suffering from diabetic retinopathy to preserve sight and monitor their disease.
- Reconstructive SurgeryDr. Thomas Oberg of Still Canyon Plastics  is a highly experienced oculo-facial plastic surgeon. Time and again, patients have been delighted with Dr. Oberg, his staff, and his results. If you are considering eyelid or facial plastic or reconstructive surgery, you will be too. For more information on eyelid and facial plastics or if you would like to schedule a consult with Dr. Oberg, please contact Still Canyon Plastics at (801) 363-3356.
- BotoxA sagging forehead, also known as brow ptosis, can be addressed through a variety of means. For certain patients, a small amount of BOTOX
- Plastic SurgeryWe proudly partner with Dr. Thomas Oberg of Still Canyon Plastics for your eyelid and facial plastic surgery needs, located onsite at The Eye Institute of Utah. Dr. Oberg performs Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery of the Eyelids and Face.
- Face LiftFacelift and necklift surgery can help restore the natural jaw contour, the deeper lines around the nose and mouth, and overall improve the appearance of the lower face.
- BlepharoplastyEyelid rejuvenation consists of upper and/or lower lid surgery, also known as upper- and lower-lid blepharoplasty. These are surgical procedures which help to remove the excess skin and fat, and also serves to tighten the supporting structures of the eyelids. This overall helps to restore a more youthful appearance. Frequently performed as a cosmetic procedure, patients may also qualify through insurance if the skin is interfering with their vision to a significant degree.
- Cosmetic SurgeryThe Eye Institute’s 30,000 square-foot facility is located at 755 East 3900 South in Salt Lake City. The facility houses the SurgiCare Center, an outpatient, ambulatory surgical facility which includes four operating rooms and a family operation viewing area. The facility also contains a full-service clinic. This unique, state-of-the-art facility allows skilled surgeons to perform major eye and cosmetic surgery using some of the most technologically advanced equipment available, in a comfortable atmosphere. The Eye Institute staff consists of approximately 50 employees including: surgeons and doctors of medicine and optometry, technicians, nurses and office personnel.