- Craniosacral MassageCranioSacral Therapy listens to your body’s natural rhythms. The membrane enclosure for your spinal column contains a fluid environment protecting your brain and spinal cord. This system has a rhythm, which can be felt by holding any part of your body.
- Chiropractic AdjustmentsJoint pain, limited range of motion in your shoulders, swelling or stiffness in your ankles, knees, hips, wrists or elbows, leg cramps, tingling and numbness, neck or back pain, disc problems, headaches you could improve with chiropractic adjustments to the alignment of your spine.
- Nutritional ConsultationClarke uses Kinesiology, Cranio-Sacral Therapy, Nutritional Counseling, and Transactional Analysis to address a patient’s physical and emotional needs.
- SubluxationWhen environmental forces affect your spine and the nerves that connect the spinal cord and brain to the other parts of your body, communication slows down. If one of the vertebrae gets slightly out of line, the signals through the nerves are affected. This mis-alignment of one or more vertebrae is called subluxation.
- Applied KinesiologyApplied Kinesiology is a way of asking your body what it wants and what it is trying to tell you. By asking your body directly, Dr. Clarke can access information which can help to align you more closely with your life force goal of perfect health. By interpreting messages from your body and relating to exactly what the body knows it needs, Dr. Clarke can help you to understand what your body is saying.