- Dental CareOur clinic has a surgery suite for routine surgical procedures. Spay, neuter, dental cleaning, mass removals and basic emergency care can be performed at our locations. Patients that require a more involved surgery are referred to Silver Valley Veterinary Clinic in Pinehurst. Orthopedics and surgeries that require hospitalization would be among these referrals.
- VaccinationVaccination with IBR-BVD-PI3-BRSV plus (+) or minus (-) Vibrio and Lepto depending on the area and individual herd (make sure products are killed viruses or chemically attenuated, ie. Cattlemaster4 or Cattle master 4VL5).
- Comprehensive Examination
- Parasites Treatment and ControlDewormer given for round worms is administered two or more times during the series of vaccinations, and broad spectrum deworming to include tapeworms is given at the final vaccine of the series.
- Leptospirosis TreatmentDistemper, Hepatitis, Leptospirosis, Parvo and Parainfluenza (DHLPP) vaccine is given in a series every 3-4 weeks, beginning at 6-8 weeks of age and ending at a minimum of 16 weeks of age to ensure immunity. The final vaccine of the series is boostered in 1 year, and then given every 3 years.
- Thyroid Disease Treatment
- Heart Disease TreatmentMONITORING - Our Surgivet monitoring system provides important vital statistics of your pet. It is used to determine blood pressure, heart rate and oxygen levels during surgical, emergency and routine procedures. This machine also provides ECG (electrocardiogram) results to find normal or abnormal heart rythms.
- Wound and Fracture Care
- Veterinary Surgery
- Spaying and Neutering
- Laboratory ServicesLABORATORY/HEMATOLOGY - Our lab area consists of standard laboratory tools along with the VetScan HM5 and VS2 machines for hematology. The HM5 provides CBC (complete blood count) results and the VS2 provides results for chemistry screens, thyroid, kidney, liver and pre-operative blood screens. Routine blood work can detect potential health problems in an early stage as well as monitor ongoing health issues. Pre-operative blood work is also important for ensuring the best care options for your pet during a surgical procedure.
- X-Ray
- Boarding
- Grooming