- You Lift My Heart Bouquet9"h X 8"l: $34.99Heart's delight, in every conceivable way. This gorgeous bouquet transcends beauty and lifts romantic notions to new heights...brimming with spectacular roses, carnations and Monte Casino blooms in a graceful red container.
- My Shimmering Heart Bouquet10"h X 8"l: $34.9911"h X 9"l: $39.99Stunning red roses, pink Asiatic lilies and pink hypericum collaborate sensationally to present a shimmering display of botanical wonder and convey feelings of true love. Finishing off the look of pure magnificence is a beautiful container adorned with red hearts.
- My Shimmering Heart Planter10"h X 8"l: $39.99All aglow in a radiant red heart container, this abundantly beautiful red rose plant is all set to capture the emotions of someone very special in your life.
- Cup of Love9"h X 8"l: $34.99Indeed, this cup runneth over with sheer grace and romance. The undeniable splendor of red roses, pink alstroemeria and pink carnations is complemented perfectly by a uniquely innovative container in the shape of a teacup with saucer.
- Make Me Blush Bouquet11"h X 8"l: $34.9912"h X 9"l: $44.9913"h X 10"l: $54.99Moments like this are what love is all about...we're talking about the moment your special Valentine sets eyes on this incredibly resplendent combination of red roses, pink Asiatic lilies and pink alstroemeria in an elegant red gathering vase.
- Red Rapture Bouquet11"h X 7"l: $34.9912"h X 8"l: $44.9913"h X 9"l: $54.99Absolutely, positively, completely...enchanting! Red roses conspire with red carnations in a lovely red gathering vase to express romantic thoughts that will captivate the heart and stir the imagination.
- Say It With Love Bouquet15"h X 9"l: $49.9916"h X 10"l: $59.9917"h X 11"l: $69.99Convey your thoughts of true love so perfectly, so exquisitely, with this unforgettable arrangement boasting stately red roses, purple Monte Casino blooms and purple alstroemeria in a graceful red vase.
- Say It With Love Bundle16"h X 10"l: $99.99Convey your thoughts of true love so perfectly, so exquisitely, with this unforgettable arrangement boasting stately red roses, purple Monte Casino blooms and purple alstroemeria in a graceful red vase. Adding to the romantic celebration is a cuddly cute brown bear and a heart shaped box of delicious Harry London treats.
- Sweet Nothing Bouquet12"h X 9"l: $34.9913"h X 10"l: $39.9914"h X 11"l: $49.99It's almost as if romantic sweet nothings are being whispered in your special someone's ear, letting them know how much they mean to you. Expressing those thoughts of love is a beautiful combination of red roses, pink alstroemeria and white daisy poms, artistically placed in a lovely fluted vase.
- Rose & Alstroemeria Romance Bouquet16"h X 11"l: $69.99As the phrase goes, "it takes two to tango." In this case, the two are beautiful red roses and gorgeous pink alstroemeria, complementing each other in incredibly romantic fashion. Setting the stage for this vivid presentation of love is a clear garden vase adorned with a red satin ribbon.
- Raspberry Red Kisses Bouquet15"h X 10"l: $49.9916"h X 11"l: $59.9917"h X 12"l: $69.99Crafted with imaginative flair and overflowing with effervescent beauty, this vibrant celebration of love combines raspberry roses and red roses along with pink stargazer lilies in a graceful red vase to create an entrancing look of sublime elegance.
- Orange You Happy!14"h X 10"l: $39.9915"h X 11"l: $49.9916"h X 12"l: $59.99Orange you glad we created such a beautiful and impossible-to-ignore arrangement? Orange roses are the focal point of this cheery design, yet the light blue delphinium and green hypericum certainly play an important supporting role. A clear fluted vase finishes everything off so perfectly.
- Ruby Romance16"h X 10"l: $39.9917"h X 11"l: $49.9918"h X 12"l: $59.99Rubies are red...and so are the roses in this romantic arrangement all set to take someone's breath away. Purple statice, blue iris and a lovely clear garden vase also contribute effortlessly to a look of total beauty.
"Fish and Chips" found in 1 dish