- ArthritisDry eyes are also associated with certain systemic diseases such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, rosacea or Sjogren’s Syndrome (a triad of dry eyes, dry mouth, and rheumatoid arthritis or lupus).
- Primary CareWhether you have type 1, type 2, or even just gestational diabetes, you are at risk for developing diabetic retinopathy. The longer you have had the disease, the greater the risk. It is essential to keep your blood sugar levels under control to prevent vision loss, and this may require a trip back to your primary care physician.
- Emergency CareTo best be seen, please call as soon as possible, by morning or early afternoon. Same day appointments are not always available but we will do our best to accommodate you and provide the best care for your needs. Use your best judgment on urgency, if you feel the need to find the nearest emergency room.
- GlaucomaA common age-related ocular condition, glaucoma describes a category of eye diseases that cause damage to the optic nerve. Once this damage occurs, your eye will not be able to accurately transmit visual information to the brain. Images that you see will therefore appear blurred or distorted, with a significant reduction in your quality of vision. At Sacramento Optometric Group, we check for glaucoma during our routine, comprehensive eye exams.
- Macular DegenerationThe macula on the retina provides sharp, central vision. The breakdown of the macula is a disease called macular degeneration, and can be serious. Untreated macular degeneration is one of the leading causes of blindness in those over 65 years old.
- Laser Eye SurgeryEstablished in 1931, our eye care clinic will care for all your vision needs. Our Optometrists handle everything from eye exams and hard-to-fit contact lenses, to computer vision problems, specialty lenses and co-manage eye surgery.
- CataractsIf you are over 40, it’s a good idea to have your eyes examined every one to two years to check for common age-related eye problems such as presbyopia, cataracts and macular degeneration.
- Eye ExamDuring a complete eye exam at Sacramento Optometric Group, our doctors will not only determine your prescription for eyeglasses or contact lenses, but will also check your eyes for common eye diseases, assess how your eyes work together as a team and evaluate your eyes as an indicator of your overall health.
- Diabetes Care
- Diabetic RetinopathyDiabetic retinopathy is an eye disease that only affects diabetics. It occurs when the fragile vascular network that supplies the retina – the light sensitive tissue at the back of the eye that helps us see – begins to swell or leak. During the beginning stages of the disease, there may be no noticeable symptoms, so it’s important to have your eyes checked at least once a year, if you have diabetes.
- BlepharoplastyDry eye syndrome is more common in women, possibly due to hormone fluctuations. Recent research suggests that smoking, too, can increase your risk of dry eye syndrome. Dry eye has also been associated with incomplete lid closure following blepharoplasty – a popular cosmetic surgery to eliminate droopy eyelids.
- Cosmetic Surgery