- Criminal DefenseCrowell Law Offices is a team of attorneys Hendrick S. Crowell, II, Robert Darrohn, and Daniel J. Tenenbaum, along with paralegals Erica Hernandez (College and Law School Graduate), Katrina Alaniz (Undergraduate and Master’s Degree Holder) and Office Assistant Juliana Romero. We are a close-knit group of professionals who share the same ethics and goals, and we understand that our objective needs to be simple- care for the client and do unto them as we would have them do unto us. Yes it seems simple but a wise person knows that this is the way to live not only in personal life, but also in professional life. This has led us to amazing results for our clients, most notably, 1.6 million for our client injured when another vehicle hit him, and several other high dollar awards, along with hundreds of dismissals and reductions in criminal matters. But we don’t expect you to hire us simply for a list of case dollar amounts, we expect that you will do your due diligence and research the attorney whom you feel you can trust, and then if we are on that list, call and speak directly to an attorney here for a free case evaluation. We speak the plain truth to you and will give you an honest assessment on your case.
- DUI/DWIMy blood alcohol was.10 so I thought I might have to plea to a DUI, but they got my blood retested and they were able to get the d.a. to reduce my case to a wet reckless. I was originally going to have to pay about $1100 more for the fine but they got the extra $1100 dismissed with the charge being reduced, and I was also going to have install a breathylzer in my car for five months, but they got that dismissed too. And I don’t have to do any work project or home detention either. Thank you very much for the assistance!
- Wrongful DeathNothing can be said or done to ease the pain of losing someone you love. When that loved one’s death could have been avoided were it not for the careless acts or negligence of another, what would seem to be the most tragic event possible becomes even more so. Families’ lives are forever altered. Emotional trauma is often accompanied by financial difficulties due to loss of future income; the cost of medical bills and surgeries performed prior to the family member’s death; and funeral and burial expenses. When a loved one dies because of an intentional or a negligent act, the victim’s family has the right to file a wrongful death lawsuit. A wrongful death lawsuit can also be justified when a person who suffered injuries subsequently dies as the result of those injuries.
- Traffic ViolationsOur track record is the direct result of our oral argument skills and our ability to provide the judge and district attorney with an excellent “common sense” view of the situation. We work hard to obtain a successful resolution through either reduction of the charge, reduction of the fine, or dismissal of the charges. Contact Crowell Law Offices at for experienced traffic ticket defense representation throughout California.
- Sex CrimesRape is often used as a generic term for unwanted sexual acts. However, historically its common-law definition required the sexual act to be intercourse, the rapist to be a man, and the victim to be a woman, other than his wife. Furthermore, the act had to be committed as a result of force or the threat of force. Common-law rules often required the rape to be corroborated by independent witnesses to negate the offender’s defense of consent.
- FraudWhite collar crimes refer to the group of property crimes typically committed to gain a business or professional advantage. White collar crimes include mail fraud, bank fraud, securities fraud, embezzlement, tax crimes, and environmental pollution.
- RobberyLike most crimes, attempt requires a “bad act” as well as a bad intention. Therefore, the government must prove the offender engaged in conduct that moved toward committing the crime. The exact nature of the act needed to meet this “preparation” requirement varies from case to case, depending on individual facts. For example, a person who checked in at the ticket counter of an airport and sat in the waiting area with a gun in his pocket could be convicted of the crime of attempting to board an airplane with a gun. A person who planned to rob a bank messenger and drove around looking for him on his regular route, but did not find him, and did nothing else would not necessarily be guilty of attempted robbery.
- Burglary
- White Collar CrimesCrime has long been considered the concern of state government. States are authorized to protect their citizens from criminal activity by prosecuting criminals. States are also authorized to determine what constitutes a crime statutorily (through the legislature) and through common law. The federal government, on the other hand, has limited jurisdiction and must link any crimes it prosecutes to its powers under the Constitution. The most commonly used powers to support federal criminal legislation are the commerce power, the taxing power, and the postal power. While Congress has used these powers all along to define crimes, there has been an explosion of federally created crimes in the last half of the 20th century. Most of the laws controlling white-collar crime, like the RICO Act and the Victims and Witnesses Protection Act have been passed since 1950.
- Theft
- MisdemeanorsDaniel A. Martin is a former Deputy District Attorney from the County of Madera, CA. He has worked on hundreds, if not thousands, of criminal cases during his time as a DDA, including traffic, misdemeanors, felonies, and juvenile justice matters. In addition to his legal expertise, Daniel is patient and understanding, taking the time to thoroughly explain the stages of the legal process, the status of the case, and his analysis and recommendations for successful case resolutions. He understands that, while legal work is his profession, the clients’ cases are their entire lives. His ethos is guided by his desire to take care of the real-life human beings that are the basis of his work and to provide the best possible outcomes for his clients.
- EmbezzlementFraud is not a separate crime, but is an important part of property crimes such as embezzlement and false pretenses. The lawbreaker must knowingly and intentionally deceive the victim in some manner for the fraud element to be satisfied.
- Drug CrimesDrug offenses: We work to exclude or call into question the evidence in cases involving illegal drugs, such as marijuana, meth, and other illegal substances. We are experienced defending clients against drug possession, drug trafficking, and other serious drug charges.
- AssaultAssault and violent crimes: We aggressively defend clients facing charges involving abuse or violence, such as assault, aggravated assault, battery, domestic violence, weapons offenses, and other violent crimes.
- MurderWhether the offender has the intent necessary to be convicted of attempt depends on the mental state required by the underlying crime. If a person’s actual intention at the time he or she attacked the victim was to cause bodily harm, he or she cannot be convicted of attempted murder if the victim does not die. (However, he could be convicted of the actual crime of murder if the victim died, even if his intention was only to cause bodily harm.) Likewise, a person whose plan to steal fails can be convicted of attempted theft, which requires the intention to deprive another of his or her property permanently, only if he or she had the same intention at the time the crime was attempted.
- Juvenile CrimesWhile there is a special court system to handle juvenile crime, there is usually not a special juvenile criminal code. Adult criminal codes are applied in the juvenile system, but the children are not generally accused of crimes. Instead, they are accused of committing delinquent acts. Sentences are designed to educate and rehabilitate children, rather than punish them. Children cannot be locked up in adult jails except for very limited periods of time. A child held in an adult jail must be out of sight and sound contact with the adult inmates.
- Probation ViolationA third offense carries a minimum of 120 days (6 mandatory in custody minimum), and a fourth offense results in a felony. Probation violations involve other consequences, call and we can explain all of this to you.
- HomicideTraffic violations may be crimes or may be classified as infractions, which are generally not considered part of the criminal law. In jurisdictions where they are crimes, they are typically considered the lowest level of misdemeanor and are only punished by a fine. However, some traffic violations can rise to the level of more serious crimes, such as vehicular homicide or leaving the scene of an accident.
- ArsonResults: offer five years prison, result- Probation granted, four days already time served, no additional jail or prison
- Shoplifting
- Restraining Order
- Forgery
- KidnappingOur criminal law has its roots in medieval England. Under early common law, criminal behavior was considered a breach of the King’s peace, and therefore, considered harmful to society in general, which required governmental action. Only the major felonies, such as treason, rape, larceny, battery, kidnapping, murder, and arson were prosecuted and the only sentence was death. Today, criminal law is a vast and complex body of statutes, rules, and judicial decisions that touch nearly every aspect of our lives. State, federal, and municipal criminal codes have divided the old common-law felonies into many separate crimes and now provide an array of sentencing options. In addition, new crimes have been defined addressing drugs, automobiles, businesses, organized crime, computers and other modern situations.
- Manslaughter
- Internet CrimesExamples of successful federal criminal legislation are the federal gun laws and federal computer laws. The federal gun laws provide uniformity and the federal computer laws make it possible to punish Internet crime.
- ProstitutionResult: One case dismissed, the other case set for Reset Program (will be dismissed after 8 weeks upon completion of the program)
- Hit and RunTraffic violations: We protect our clients’ driver’s license and driving record by challenging traffic tickets involving speeding, driving in excess of 100 mph, driving under suspension, reckless driving, hit and run and other traffic offenses.
- Wrongful TerminationPunitive damages have historically been awarded in cases of car accidents caused by DUI, assault and battery, sexual assault, intentional infliction of emotional suffering, or wrongful termination.
- Premises LiabilityPremises liability accidents are another wide category. Slip-and-fall incidents can result in head trauma, broken bones, and spinal injuries. Dog (or another animal) bites usually result in puncture wounds, broken bones, scarring, and, depending on the speed of treatment, infection. Nerve and tissue damage are also common.
- Property DamageE.G. Charge: Hit and Run causing death, a second hit and run causing property damage (two cases), maximum six years prison, probation recommend four years prison
- Citizenship and Naturalization
- Green Cards
- Personal InjuryThe Sacramento personal injury attorneys at Crowell Law Offices are committed to the victims of negligence. We will do everything possible to get you compensation and justice for all the suffering you’ve endured.
- Medical MalpracticeMedical Malpractice – Doctors make mistakes just like the rest of us, but when their mistakes could have been prevented with the proper precautions, you can recover your losses through a medical malpractice suit.
- Auto Accidents
- Dog BitesPremises Liability – Slip-and-fall accidents, dog bites, and many other property hazard accidents fall under the umbrella of premises liability. If you’ve been injured on another person’s property because the owner failed to address a dangerous situation, you can pursue compensation for your injury.
- Slip and Fall InjuryThe Sacramento slip and fall injury attorneys at the Crowell Law Offices know from experience that slip and fall cases create complex liability and insurance coverage issues. Insurance companies often attempt to get by with paying out the least amount for a settlement as compensation for your medical expenses and lost income. They offer just enough in the hope that you will accept a settlement and go away. If you have been injured in a slip and fall accident, contact us at (916) 303-2800. We will investigate your claim and help you to obtain the compensation you deserve.